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BeatBullying, Help!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hey guys,

Some of you may have already heard about.. http://www.thirdsector.co.uk/beatbullying-calls-administrators-acute-financial-difficulties/finance/article/1317803

The BB Group is a charity that runs 2 vital projects to support Young people online, BeatBullying.org and Mindfull.org. Their work is so important in cutting stigma on mental health and providing young vulnerable people with a safe place to get the support they need and deserve, no problem is ever too big or too small with their lovely team of mods and counsellors, and trained volunteer mentors from all over the country. Currently due to serious financial difficult Beatbullying.org and Mindfull have had to be closed and have been since late on Wednesday, as you may have guessed this is causing a huge effect on all those people who rely on their trusted support.
Beatbullying has over 5,400 volunteers supporting young people, we need these sites open again, they save lives. Please take a few minutes to just sign this petition, because what's the harm in trying to make a difference, Thank you.


  • **helen****helen** Deactivated Posts: 9,233 Supreme Poster
    Heard about this yesterday - really sad. Thanks for putting this up :)
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