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*BananaMonkey**BananaMonkey* Posts: 5,462 Part of The Furniture

Good morning lovely people :wave:

Firstly sorry I didn't post my thread last week, Becki did a fab job of posting it on my behalf, thank you lots Becki

I am so glad it's Friday. :yippe:

So this weekend, tomorrow I have volunteering in the morning and in the afternoon I have my nephews birthday party, he is going to be 2 on Monday. That is my Saturday sorted, then Sunday I don't have any plans. So not to sure what I will end up doing on Sunday. So will just go with the flow.

Would love to hear what you guys are all getting up to this weekend! I love hearing what you guys are getting up to, and I think it's great to share plans with the community, brings us closer in a way.

Sharing is caring :heart:
" And everywhere I am, there you'll be, your love made me make it through, oh I owe so much to you "
" So I say thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing, thanks for all the joy they're bringing, who can live without it, I ask in all honestly what would life be? Without a song or a dance, what are we? So I say thank you for the music, for giving it to me "
'' It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling "


  • Cat88Cat88 Posts: 377 Listening Ear
    Morning BananaMonkey!

    Tonight we're having dinner with OH's family, tomorrow we have friends staying til Sunday, then Sunday afternoon will be doing work and planning but that's ok because hopefully the other stuff will have been great :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I dont have clue :D I might dp Christmas shopping this weekend
  • BubblesGoesBooBubblesGoesBoo Posts: 3,590 Community Veteran
    i dont even know why i speak on this thread cause its the same every weekend ... working :L but going out for a chinese on sunday after work with a mate :)
    ' So I put a bullet where I shouda put a helmet, and I crash my car cause I wanna get carried away, that's why I'm standing on the overpass screaming at myself 'hey, I wanna get better''  
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No problem 'Narna :)

    So tomorrow I'm going clothes shopping then may go for a run. Then on sunday I'm going to do a few pages of my WTJ :) :hyper:

    Hope you all have a good weekend
  • plugitinplugitin Posts: 2,197 Boards Champion
    Working 12 hours today, tomorrow, sunday, monday, tuesday......... no fun to be had here!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    plugitin wrote: »
    Working 12 hours today, tomorrow, sunday, monday, tuesday......... no fun to be had here!

    Aww no that sucks!!

    Sent by Sony Xperia
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