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Meet the Panic Attack Monster (PAM)

JamesJames Deactivated Posts: 1,706 Extreme Poster
As you may possibly have noticed, TheSite looks a bit green and furry at the moment. This is in honour of our latest campaign around panic attacks.

So everyone, meet Panic Attack Monster (PAM):


PAM attacks lots of people in lots of different situations. So over the next two weeks, we'll be learning all about panic attacks: when does PAM attack and why? Can we defend ourselves and our friends? How can we minimise our chances of meeting PAM etc.

So keep an eye on the boards, our main PAM page, our Twitter and our Facebook for info and chances to get involved :thumb:


Oh, and here's a letter from PAM himself:


P.s. If you'd like the PAM background on the boards, make sure you select 'TheSite PAM' from the Quick Style Chooser right at the bottom of the page (on the left)


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    That's explains that James haha lookin good
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This is great ☺ well worth the wait!! :hyper:

    Sent by Sony Xperia
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The green background might have to mean the end of me looking at the boards when I'm bored in uni. Not exactly the right colour for a sly browse :P

    Really great idea though!
  • JamesJames Deactivated Posts: 1,706 Extreme Poster
    ella! wrote: »
    The green background might have to mean the end of me looking at the boards when I'm bored in uni. Not exactly the right colour for a sly browse :P

    Really great idea though!

    Hehe, it's not exactly subtle!

    You can still change back to the classic theme using the quick style chooser (the drop down menu at the bottom on the left) ;)
  • JamesJames Deactivated Posts: 1,706 Extreme Poster
    If you feel like spreading the word, you please do share the main page with friends, family, Facebook friends and Twitter followers!

    You can also take part in our social media Thunderclap (an app that will automatically tweet or post about PAM on your Facebook and/or twitter - note: it does require giving the app access to your social media account(s))
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I showed the video to my nephew yesterday and he giggled his little head off every time PAM spoke :heart:
  • JamesJames Deactivated Posts: 1,706 Extreme Poster
    Just a quick update, PAM has made it to Buzzfeed :hyper:

    Take a look!
  • JamesJames Deactivated Posts: 1,706 Extreme Poster
    James wrote: »
    If you feel like spreading the word, you please do share the main page with friends, family, Facebook friends and Twitter followers!

    You can also take part in our social media Thunderclap (an app that will automatically tweet or post about PAM on your Facebook, Tumblr and/or Twitter)

    We need 25 more people to sign up to our social media thunderclap otherwise it won't happen!

    Do sign up and get your friends, family etc. to do the same!
  • AuroraAurora Posts: 11,722 An Original Mixlorian
    James wrote: »
    We need 25 more people to sign up to our social media thunderclap otherwise it won't happen!

    Do sign up and get your friends, family etc. to do the same!

    How many more do you need now? :p #Fascinated How do you know how many you need? I'm without doubt it will reach buzzfeed #BumpingUp
  • **helen****helen** Deactivated Posts: 9,233 Supreme Poster
    It says on the page James has linked to - we now have 112 people :D
  • HannHann Posts: 3,434 Boards Guru
    It's gone 12 and it's been posted :D
  • JamesJames Deactivated Posts: 1,706 Extreme Poster
    Thanks to everyone who took part!!
    Think we made quite a roar :)

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