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First time sex with other boy advice

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hi, I'm a young looking slim guy who is a virgin and I've been seeing a slim 19 year old boy (half my age) from the Sports centre that I've been attending for a number of years now who I really like a lot who's initial is O. I have really strong feelings for him and desire making love to him. A few days ago we kissed and it was like - Wow, electric, my heart raced I felt so aroused but needless to say I made a semenal mess in my pants :blush: probably due to my lack of experience... Anyway, I feel next time we see each other we may well go further. If we end up making love I want it to feel good for both of us. I intend to use a condom and would only penetrate his bottom gently with my penis. I guess we'd use lube as well and I've watched a few boy on boy sex movies to get some idea of what's what. I think I really whant to know is what would be the best way to prepare for this so that our making love is safe as well as enjoyable as I'm pretty inexperienced.
Thanks for reading and hope for some advice.


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    **helen****helen** Deactivated Posts: 9,235 Supreme Poster
    Hi David, it sounds like you have a great connection with this guy, which is a good starting point.

    Not sure if you've checked out our article on anal sex? It has some good tips and advice on starting out and getting prepped as well as some helpful links within it.

    Making an experience good for two people usually relies on good communication - saying what feels good and checking what feels good for them too.

    It sounds like for you at this stage, it's a case of getting to know each others bodies and having fun exploring each other without any pressure - when you're both relaxed and connecting well, then the next stage may feel a bit more natural.

    Great to hear you're planning on using protection and just generally that you're thinking things through.

    Hope this helps a little. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thank you

    Thanks for your advice and your kind words, Helen. I think you could be right about us exploring each others bodies first, perhaps just do kissing and touching in places - and like you mention, it would take the pressure off.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Exploration is the best bet first in any sense, if it comes to penetrative sex, it's best to 'plan' it first, so you're both prepared to be 'clean'. Planning it doesn't have to be literally setting a date and time in stone, just the idea that you've both thought about it and it's likely to happen and it gives you a heads up. Have you spoke about your sexual preferences to him? He might be a 'top' if there's been no indication of his position.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    JavaKrypt wrote: »
    Exploration is the best bet first in any sense, if it comes to penetrative sex, it's best to 'plan' it first, so you're both prepared to be 'clean'. Planning it doesn't have to be literally setting a date and time in stone, just the idea that you've both thought about it and it's likely to happen and it gives you a heads up. Have you spoke about your sexual preferences to him? He might be a 'top' if there's been no indication of his position.

    Actually JavaKrypt that's a good point, all I've really only mentioned to him is the possibility of making love to him at some point not really going into any fine point detail. Last weekend we both did a 3 mile jog together and were quite hot and sweaty afterwards so we both showered together at his place. It was just as well I masturbated before I went jogging with 'O' because while we showered we did lots of heavy petting/touching each others bodies before masturbating each other off.

    What we did then felt really good although obviously us making love would be the ultimate thing but do you think the 'intercourse' part will just come along naturally?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It's hard to say if it will come along naturally, only you can say based on your relationship between you both. If you're both into each other, the idea is thrown about, you're both horny, then who knows when it'll happen! Anal sex takes preparation, it's not like it is in porn haha.

    I'd still say it's best to explore each other, you can take your time with it. You don't have to go all in with penetrative sex, have you played with each other, other than jacking off? You could try some other things if you're both comfortable with the ideas, you can try rimming, fingering, toys - as part of foreplay, without having penetrative sex. This might make it more enjoyable while getting more intimate and comfortable before you have penetrative sex together. The foreplay would likely make it less embarrassing for you both if there were any mishaps or nerves.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    JavaKrypt wrote: »
    It's hard to say if it will come along naturally, only you can say based on your relationship between you both. If you're both into each other, the idea is thrown about, you're both horny, then who knows when it'll happen! Anal sex takes preparation, it's not like it is in porn haha.

    I'd still say it's best to explore each other, you can take your time with it. You don't have to go all in with penetrative sex, have you played with each other, other than jacking off? You could try some other things if you're both comfortable with the ideas, you can try rimming, fingering, toys - as part of foreplay, without having penetrative sex. This might make it more enjoyable while getting more intimate and comfortable before you have penetrative sex together. The foreplay would likely make it less embarrassing for you both if there were any mishaps or nerves.

    Thanks for the tips JavaKrypt. Actually rimming kinda sounds appealing as O has one gorgeous bum that I'd love to explore with my tongue. :yeees: I guess you're right - we just do what is comfortable for both of us and wait till we both grow in confidence before moving on to the big stage as it were.
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