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What symbolises hope/positivity in your life?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I currently have a huge plate of problems and issues going on in my life...
But I am choosing to ignore them, I am trying to stay positive... While I am still feeling very much depressed and I am still fighting urges to self harm, I've been thinking alot about things that symbolise something to me...

Have you ever looked up at the sky? When its really clear and dark?
Millions of stars shine down, each emits light...
For centuries those 'lights' have been used...
Sailors used to use the stars to navigate their way home... The stars were hope that guided them home...
The stars provided hope... and they are still there today.. Hope never dies....


Ever watched sunrise? How everything that was scary and dark is brought back into the light? How the sky is illuminated by an amazing ball of fire that paints the sky a thousand shades or red and orange?

For me that symbolises the fact that things are dark and scary at the moment... And I might feel really low right now... but soon the sun is going to rise in my life and I will be ok...

What symbolises positivity/hope in your life?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What symbolises hope for me is smiles. When people smile at you, especially complete strangers, it shows to me that there's still hope fir nice people to be in the world :)

    Sent by Sony Xperia
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