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Sexal aslaulted

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

My dads wife x boyfriend touches me in my personal parts. I was scared to tell anyone it was getting to far so I phone the police when I was at my sisters house. I got to give a statement and got to go to court. I never done it before Ian so scared what's going to happen I was in a bad state when the police come in tears unsure what to do. My sister and her boyfreind keeps saying he cont keep doing it. I understand that They both pressuring me to do it :( I cont cope I just want to locked myself in my room and curl up and not come out or killing myself. My sister was also telling me Ian not alould to go to my mums as I really needed a break as my head was batted with this and my op thats Comming up. Just incase the police phones they got my number so they phone me on my Moblie to arrange the interview. I feel like Ian house bound and grounded and I was not alould out ;( then that brings me my childhood not a good sign . She onley gel that I was going to stay at mums and told her I need a break and need to clear my head. Then I put on facebook that I want to be with my DAD and MUM beause what's going on with my op Comming e.c.t and had a phone call of my sister saying nasty things to me on the phone beause I want to be with them at the moment what's wrong with that.

Give up want to die :(


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Can I ask what your dads wifes ex is doing over there in the first place?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I am glad you have told people about this - as it is very wrong. So well done. That's the main thing.

    Can I ask how old you are? You should be able to be with your parents if you want to, as long as you're safe. Can your sister stop you? If she is jealous, can she just not go too?

    There's nothing wrong with wanting to be with your parents at all, never is! In fact, it's normal to be want to be with them, especially in tough times.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi bubbley-Heather,

    You have been so strong to go to the police, it takes a lot of courage and you should be really proud of yourself *hug*

    It's understandable for you to be scared to give a statement and perhaps go to court, but remember the police are on your side and they will make sure you are safe.

    It seems like things are really hard with your sister at the moment and making you upset :( Like *rach* said, there is nothing wrong with you wanting to be with your parents at this time. Does your dad and/or mum know what happened to you? Can you speak to your sister and explain that you miss them but that you also need her too?

    Stay strong, we all care here, so keep us updated and if you need to call Samaritans please do - you don't have to cope with all this on your own *hug*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    christele wrote: »
    Hi bubbley-Heather,

    You have been so strong to go to the police, it takes a lot of courage and you should be really proud of yourself *hug*

    It's understandable for you to be scared to give a statement and perhaps go to court, but remember the police are on your side and they will make sure you are safe.

    It seems like things are really hard with your sister at the moment and making you upset :( Like *rach* said, there is nothing wrong with you wanting to be with your parents at this time. Does your dad and/or mum know what happened to you? Can you speak to your sister and explain that you miss them but that you also need her too?

    Stay strong, we all care here, so keep us updated and if you need to call Samaritans please do - you don't have to cope with all this on your own *hug*
    Hugs Ive been to my mums thank god yes my mum and dad knows what going on. I not really had a break from my sister she went up and was harping on about things and got all the ATTION of my mum I wish she let me have a break/ or weekend to myself :( Ian not getting over nothing I just had a scan :/ god sack wish everyone will piss off and leave me alone for once in a life time no wonder my life is fuck everyone been pissin me around.*
    *rach* wrote: »
    I am glad you have told people about this - as it is very wrong. So well done. That's the main thing.

    Can I ask how old you are? You should be able to be with your parents if you want to, as long as you're safe. Can your sister stop you? If she is jealous, can she just not go too?*

    There's nothing wrong with wanting to be with your parents at all, never is! In fact, it's normal to be want to be with them, especially in tough times.
    Try telling my sister that my life is fuck up*
    Ballerina wrote: »
    Can I ask what your dads wifes ex is doing over there in the first place?
    Don't bother :( he stopping from going to my dads :( he there nearly everyday to use there Internet. :( so I cont go down there he thinks if he cont get me my dads he comes to my sisters. The police told us he not alould any where near us.*

    If we tell him that we it the police involved then it's going to kick off that's y iam waiting to be interviewed by the police
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I had the police out to me this morning got to go for a interveiw next week Sooo nurvouis and scared never been o one before :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sorry but how can you possibly know this is going to court? That takes YEARS to find out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ^ what Broken-Angel said.

    If this has happened then I am very sorry and I would suggest contacting Woman's Aid for support as well as legal advice. However having battled the legal system for years regarding sexual abuse, I am amazed that it's been so quick and I can only hope that the government and legal system has stepped up regarding abusive and violence.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ella! wrote: »
    government and legal system has stepped up regarding abusive and violence.

    I can assure you, it hasn't.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    They police told me that is going to court. U don't know what the police said so u cont. Say that it won't so u cont judge it I'f u wasn't there
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The police can't say it's going to court, that decision is not and never will be with the police. If an officer has told you it is going to court you need to make a formal complaint because it is not for the police to say that. Once all evidence is gathered the police hand the case file to the cps, a cps barrister then decided if there is enough evidence for court proceedings. I would be extremely worried about any police officer who has said this is going to court, they can't possibly say that at this stage because they haven't handed the case to the cps and got the cps decision. The cps can take a very long time making their decision on whether or not a case will go to court.
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    JamesJames Deactivated Posts: 1,706 Extreme Poster
    It sounds like you're feeling pretty scared and alone at the moment heather. That must be really horrible. Has anyone been able to talk you through what's happening? Your mum for example?

    How was your weekend?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    not good
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