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Psychology / Leeds and Nottingham unis

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
edited March 27 in Work & Study
I'm thinking about doing psychology at university and was wondering if anyone is studying this, as I haven't had experience in it because my school doesn't do it for A-level.
I am looking at studying pure psychology at either Nottingham or Leeds university which will require an ABB at A-level.

I would appreciate any information on psychology courses or either of these universities as I have not visited them.
Thanks :)
Post edited by JustV on


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey Pink,

    I'm starting a Psychology degree at Lancaster later this year, and I looked into both Nottingham and Leeds.

    Nottingham was by far my first choice University, and it definately seems to be one of the best for Psychology, but I applied there and got rejected. It's a very hard place to get into - I got 3 A's and a B at AS level, and I think my predicted grades were AAB, and I still didn't get an offer. I e-mailed them and they said that they had 20 (I think it was 20) applicants for each place, and that they had to reject people who were predicted AAA. Still, if you think you could get in, I'd definately apply to Nottingham, it was definately my first choice originally.

    As for Leeds, they were one of the only Uni's I looked at who required certain subjects to have been done at A-level to study Psychology there, and as I hadn't done any of the subjects (stuff like Psychology, Biology, Maths etc.) I couldn't apply there, but again it is definately one I would have applied to and I would quite like to of gone there.

    As for the actual degree, you'd be best of ordering a prospectus which you can do at the Uni web-sites for free.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks for you help Alsvartr

    Wow I didn't know there was so much competition - You got 3 A's and still didn't get in!
    I've looked at a couple of other uni's such as Durham and Manchester. Manchester wants an AAB and Durham an ABB.
    What is Lancaster like from what you have seen? I haven't looked into that one.
    As for Leeds, I've sent of for a new prospectus as I lost the one I got a few months ago. I think it did specify particular subjects but I do Economics which I think was one of the accepted ones.
    Do you know any other uni's which have good psychology departments?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I too am thinking about doing a psychology degree next year and have started looking into them. Although I haven't looked at either of the uni's you have I'd just like to say you should look at the course contents. In the second and third years in most courses you get to chose specific areas in psychology to study - but not all unis offer the same choices.

    so if you wanted to become a counceller you might want to go to a uni that offers that as one of the choices. You should compare to see which ones sound best to you and the ones you'd be most interested in.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Wow I didn't know there was so much competition

    Psychology seems to have become really popular in recent years. A couple of the uni's that I went to see all said they had seen a very big rise in the number of applicants over the last couple of years, and obviously with an increase in demand, standards are also going to increase and it's gonna be harder to get in. You should still apply to Nottingham though, don't be too put off by what I said.
    I've looked at a couple of other uni's such as Durham and Manchester. Manchester wants an AAB and Durham an ABB.

    Durham has a good reputation, but I thought it looked pretty boring from what I read about it in the prospectus, but I guess it just depends what you're looking for. I never considered Manchester.

    I based my choices partly on league tables published by people (e.g. The Times, The Guardian newspapers) - they have tables for each subject, and how they rate the University on that subject in many different areas, and I don't really remember seeing Manchester as one of the best, but that might of changed.
    What is Lancaster like from what you have seen? I haven't looked into that one.

    I thought Lancaster looked really good fun. It's good for Psychology, though not the best (3 B's is the requirement). Everything I've read about Lancaster has been positive, and combined with it's good performance for Psychology, that's why I've chosen to go there (depending on results!), and I'm really looking forward to it. I'd suggest you check it out at least.

    As for other Uni's, I was really considering Royal Holloway (London) for a while, as it did really well in all the league tables I looked at (1st in one), but I was put off by hearing it wasn't the best for a good social life.

    Try and have a look at some performance tables, but only use them as a guide, as there's loads more factors that need to be taken into account, i.e. as course content as Someone said. Good luck in choosing!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Here are some of our old threads on the subject:





    The British Psychological Society advice on courses

    Susie :)

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks Susie that was really helpful. :cool:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't know anything about the psychology courses at either of these Unis, but I do know a lot about them as Unis and the cities they're in and I can honestly say it's a VERY difficult choice.

    Both cities are great, so much shopping can be had in both and plenty of good clubs and stuff to do. Huge amounts of money can be spent :D

    Both unis have great reputations and facilities, both campuses are near the city centers. Leeds campus is more of a concrete jungle compared to Nottingham's very "lush" campus, Nottingham probably has one of the nicest looking campuses in the country.

    It's a tough choice I couldn't put one ahead of the other (I'm going to Leeds only because I lived right next to Nottingham for the last 21 years :)), either way though you're picking a winner imo.
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