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About my ex

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I won't get into all of the details but the other day I found out that my ex has moved to the same place where my 'family' live, the same place I got abused, and I don't know if this is silly, but I don't know how I feel about it. We're not together anymore, I should have realised this is where he has gone as he knows I'm terrified to set foot there again, but I feel like.. I can't explain but it doesn't feel right.

I found out that he's still telling lies about me which does upset me but then I realise that he clearly still thinks about me. Why though? Why go to so much effort still to make me look like the bad guy, and to make himself look like a victim? I didn't do anything wrong.. I don't think..

It makes me think again.. If I had just let him hurt me that day, let him do whatever he was going to do, we might still be together now. Is that why he's still telling lies, because I left? Is that why he's making me out to be the person in the wrong?

I've been thinking about wearing my engagement ring recently (not as an engagement ring) on the other hand, just as a ring. I don't want to randomly start wearing it because my family told me when we broke up that I should sell it, but when I finally took it off I put it in my safe place. I get the ring out sometimes just to look at it and it feels like my heart breaks all over again, and I get that sickly feeling. I've been trying to think about this over the weekend but I can't understand why I want to wear it when it upsets me.

I've been looking at photos of us tonight.. uh, I just feel so stupid, I keep telling myself 'just get over it' but I can't and I'm stupid.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If he still talking about you thats a good thing means hes still thinking about you. As for him telling lies I dont no about you but whenever I hear about people breaking up they are always making themselves the victim if he tells lies let him I know its hard trust me I know but if he tells people you dont no and not friends with you. you have to not let it bother you your real friends will believe you. This might sounds a bit stupid but you have to be the grown up about this break up do not let yourself get to his level and be childish

    Hes probably kicking himself for the way he treated you wishing you where still with him thats what you want him to think this

    I know im going to ssound like a bad person here but you have to get rid of the ring and pictures if you dont you're going to keep looking back and not look forward sell the ring and on another day try to delete 1 or 2 pictures a day you will feel better if you do

    as for him moving its seems a bit weird he might just be doing it to pee you of and to get your attention dont let it
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