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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I was on my own with 2 kids for 6 years im 37 I have a buddy hes 30 we are seeing each other 4 months now, I thought the buddy was more of a relationship as we talk on phone between 2 - 5 hours a day every day except for the 1 night a week he sees his other buddy hes seeing her 1 year, he lives alone i go to his place once a week we spend bout 24 hours together or he comes to mine we talk bout everything together most intimate things same with bedroom we have trust in conversation and Intimate side we learn together new things in life and watch movies together while on skype talk daytime nighttime, hes told me hes in love with his other buddy i told i was in love with him he say he dosent love me but cares very deeply for me and trusts me without question with anything hes never felt this way about anyone before for sex or as friendship goes i dont know what to do with the feeling i have for him we dont use condoms something i havent done with anyone before he keeps telling me to find someone else i can be with as well as him like he has 2 people he cares about im in love with him and cant feel like i cant finish with him as I cant imagine my life without him and today i got jealous as i know hes with her i cant be with another person like him as im too emotionally attached to him but i dont want my jealousy to take over he dosent know this emotion is there and thinks everything is fine i dont want to search for the no 2 like him and just to complicate things more we are starting a bussiness together dont know how to move forward with this i was lonely on my own but even without that i cant imagine my life without him in it


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Some people are content to have sex and intimacy without responsibility and attachment. He is one of them. You, at least in this situation, are not one of them. It really does not matter how much or how deep you feel for someone, it is pretty meaningless if the other person does not feel the same way at least to some degree.

    Just because you have deeper feelings does not make the fact that you are not together "wrong" and that you have to rectify the situation by changing his mind. If you want your life to be twisted by jealousy and unrequited yearning, then change nothing. If you want to have the chance to find other potential mates who also love you back then quit this.
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