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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Regular readers of my drivel on the Anything Goes boards will know that I am the proud owner of a 1981 Morris Ital. Visiting a classic car show at Culzean castle at the weekend, I came across the Scottish branch secretary of the Morris Marina owners club and Morris Ital register, who suggested I joined. So I asked him to send me an application form.

My plan is to restore the car to show condition in the future and exhibit it. Now as I am unemployed at the moment I can't afford to do much on it, but when I get some money coming in I can make a start.

Now speaking of jobs, what I am lacking is any "real" engineering experience. But this needn't be from a paid job. Down the road from me is the Scottish Industrial Railway Centre. What I plan to do is (if I don't get a job soon) join the preservation group and do some voluntary work with them, hepling preserve Britain's railway heritage and enhance my CV at the same time.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Since my last post in this thread I have joined the ARPG and on Saturday I went to do my first bit of voluntary work. I helped repair a drain under the running line at Minnevey. During shunting one of the vans derailed so we had to jack it up to get it back on the tracks. After that we went down to Dunaskin to move a van from the side of the platform up to the sidings. It felt good riding about a museum in the cab of a diesel loco with all the tourists watching. :D

    The ARPG has plans (and a £65000 grant from the Cumnock & Doon valley minerals trust) to move its main operating base from Minnevey to Dunaskin (www.dunaskin.co.uk). This means a lot of work between now and next summer.
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