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Meeting new girls/losing my mind!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I live in a small town, go out often and it's a dead end. I'm sure I could find someone and be complacent, but that isn't any good. It's just a no go.

I dated a friend who lives away, but that dragged on and I reluctantly dropped that because it was quite frankly screwing me up.

My nearest city isn't the biggest in the world, but it's a start. I just don't know what to do. I've tried online dating, but people around my age are scarce. I've looked at various volunteering opportunities - nothing at all, other than organising collections with your own friends.

I have a job that I want to stick with, and can't really afford to lose that. The great thing with my job is that it is very flexible, so whilst I don't meet many people doing it, I can work around that with other activities.

But what activities?! I have a small core group of friends left after people went to Uni. They're tied up with jobs, so time and money isn't flexible.

I'm losing my mind here. :(


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I looked for someone special to be with me for a long time, and while I agree it is a nice feeling and everything, it really didn't fix as much as I'd hoped. I thought it'd make me happy constantly but it really didn't. The longer I spent alone the more I pumped the idea of a girlfriend up to be so good. In the end she found me :L! So I'd suggest enjoy whatever time you do get with your friends and the right girl will come to you, it just takes time as annoying as it is to hear.

    Then again, if you do really want to meet someone. Research groups that share your interests locally. A hobby of mine is a particular card game, I found a group that run a weekly session and 40 odd people show each week. Meet someone at a place like that and you've got a talking point straight off too ;)!
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