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Two interviews next week

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru

I have two interviews next week. One is for The Richmond Fellowship and the other for The University of Chester.

Mainly just looking for advice on how best to prepare for the interviews and tips on selling myself in the interviews.

I think it's mainly going over my applications and researching the organisation which is bound to be a question.

Most questions will be around the person specification I think


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi Mark
    Congratulations on getting your interviews - you've obviously already got something that they like the look of!

    One of the key things to nail is how your skills and experience relate specifically to the jobs you are applying for. Be as specific as you can, so think about what they're looking for in the job specification and make notes on how your experience marries up with each point.

    Also, be very clear about why you want the job. What appeals to you about the organisation and why would you fit in? Employers are very keen on getting the right 'cultural fit' (i.e someone who will fit in with the rest of the staff) so try to get an understanding of the culture if you can and explain why you would be right.

    Finally, think of some good questions to ask them. You'd be surprised how many people I've interview who haven't thought of any good questions to ask at the end - it makes you look disinterested! When I go to interviews I usually ask 'what's your favourite thing about working here?' - it gets them thinking and engages you with them more!

    Don't forget we have loads of useful articles on TheSite too - there's a whole section on interviews, including articles about preparing for interviews and body language at interviews.

    Good luck - let us know how you get on :thumb:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks. I'm waiting to hear back.

    For future interviews I'll check out your info !
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