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What do you think about relationships?

**helen****helen** Deactivated Posts: 9,235 Supreme Poster
As part of a campaign involving TheSite.org and relationships charity OnePlusOne, we are looking for help from those of you who?d be happy to share your thoughts, views and anecdotes about relationships. We're most interested in hearing about some of the biggest challenges in relationships and how can they be made stronger.

Some of you are already familiar with the campaign - you might have come to our recent live chat with Karen from OnePlusOne, chatted with us about relationships on Facebook or Twitter - or be helping us to create more conversations through TheSite Leaders. :)

We?d be particular interested in hearing from people from a wide range of people - whether you've never been in a relationship or have been with your partner for years, we'd be interested in hearing from you.

Your views could be used in a variety of ways, including in reports that are being prepared as part of the campaign, in promotional materials and potentially in the media. The campaign aims to help people to find ways to strengthen their own relationships.

To find out more or register your interest, please email helen@thesite.org.

Look forward to hearing from you - cheers guys :thumb:
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