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Recruitment Agency Rant

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hi there just on here for a wee rant.

Basically I applied for a job through a recruitment agency for a job to do with "admin". So just before Christmas I get a call from the agency to go to their other branch in another town to fill out some applications because that's where the job was based. Cool, I guess I'll be working out of town. Went to the place, (£20 return train ticket) filled out loads of forms, did an online assessment and was asked to go home after. So I was out of town for about an hour.

So the next day I get a call informing me that I have passed the test and would need to see their client for a meet and greet. Their client being Lloyds TSB. It's a 6 month temp job with them sorting out mortgage applications etc. I didn't care about the temp contract/ salary etc, but if I get an opportunity to work for a big bank, I'll take it!

So I passed this meet and greet thing, and this was us going into the Christmas period. And we were given three different starting dates; 7th, 14th and 21st. As I would expect, they would have been busy so I asked the woman who was organising the work for me for an update. This was on the 3rd or 4th I made the call. She said she has been swamped with work and reassured me that I have got the job, but just need to get my references through.

Now with references. I assumed that she would have contacted my employers for the references, but she hasn't. So the week before the 14th start I asked her what's going on and she basically asked me to get my employers to email her my reference.

Am I right in saying that, if you want a reference about me, you should be contacting my employers not me telling my employers to contact you?

Anyway I got them to email her and she said they will be audited and if everything goes well I should start on the 14th. So I called her on the Thursday before the 14th, she said that one of my references cannot be accepted because it was from a catering job I worked for which required a proper business email with a business logo? So I never got to start on the 14th, and she said I should be starting on the 21st, after getting a company logo etc sorted for this one reference from my manager.

Her last email informed me that it looks to be like I will be starting on the 28th instead now.. Right now I don't even know if I am able to start at all.. We were told 3 different starting dates and t he 28th is not one of them.

So I sent her an email on the 21st asking for an update. no reply (usually she replies withing five minutes). So I called her on the 22nd, First call: she was out for lunch, so I requested for a call back, second call: she was busy with another call and requested a call back. nothing. So I emailed her asking for an update as I have left my job expecting to start on the 21st at the very latest. She's either really really busy trying to sort my case out (unlikely), or she's just avoiding me completely.

I'm not sure if I am allowed to swear on here but I am very very pee'd off at the very least right now. The woman has been so bad at her job and can't keep me up to date with even the smallest of emails.

The day I went to their office to fill out forms, I could just see the dollar signs in her eyes for signing us all up. It just shows how much they care for you, zilch! they just want the money they make by getting you a job for one of their clients!

If I can, I think I'd want some sort of compensation of some sort because this has been a very bad joke and a complete waste of time.


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    doesn't surprise me, one time I applied online to a recruitment agency for a specific job and got a call to come for an interview only to be told after a £10 train journey that I didn't have the right experience and they had nothing else currently to offer. all about the money...
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    All temping/recruitment agencies are staffed by fuckwits in nasty polyester suits. True fact.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    All temping/recruitment agencies are staffed by fuckwits in nasty polyester suits. True fact.


    Speaking to a few they all feel they are vastly more competent than they actually are. Some that I had run ins with, could not spell simple English correctly. It's funny how getting to deal with unemployed / disenfranchised people on a daily basis gives someone a superiority complex isn't it?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If they were that competent they'd buy a better suit, wouldn't they? And nicer shoes.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I had an interview once with a job arranged through an agency (the company seemed to have some kind of deeper connection with the agency than just being its client, which seemed a bit bizarre). I was interviewed by a girl who couldn't have been more than about 23 and was asked, 'I notice you are married, have you got any children?' and asked how far away I lived (i.e. how I would get to work). Both of these questions are illegal in an interview situation, but when I e-mailed the agency to complain, I received a very dismissive reply and was told, 'she was probably just trying to make conversation'!!! No apology, no nothing.
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