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dumped on new years eve :(

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I need some advice please, and please only nice comments as I'm feeling the lowest I ever have in my life. I was dumped new years eve. I will start with the background. Over a year ago imet him and we moved very quickly...well he did. We had a few dates then he came round and stayed over...then again...and again until he never left. We were happy and I adored him and he adored me. Told me every day how much he wanted to spend his life with me. There was talk off marriage in the future and a baby. We had our share of arguments but they got worse a few months ago. I found he'd lied to me on occasion and I couldn't let it go. Then the day before new years eve I found out while I was at work, he'd been arranging to go out with his ex gf telling her he was tired of arguing, tired of babysitting my children if I was at work, he wanted his life back, wanted to go on holiday, have a weekend drug bender etc :( he never did drugs when I was with him so that was a shock. After I found out he had gone out with his ex and lied it started another row and that was it. He stayed out all night and the next day I got a tx saying it was over, it was to hard for him and he needed his own place etc. It crushed me. I love him so much the pain is physically unbearable. I havnt called him or bombarded him with msgs. The next day he took his stuff but put on facebook that he's just made possibly the worst mistake of his life. He's moved into a new place that's 20seconds away from my house. I asked him to collect some odds and ends that I found and in doing so, conversation got around to us. Now he's telling me that although he loves me so much it hurts, he needs to sort his head out and 'think' about us. I'm so confused now. If it was over I would have no choice but to move on, now he's giving me a ray of hope. I think he's leading me on slightly, just trying to be nice and give me false hope so I don't hurt anymore then in a few weeks tell me its over once iv healed slightly. I love this man so much I don't want my life without him. I tried compromising by saying if he needs space then he can have his own place, his own belongings but we start again properly. Date once a week or something but don't throw away our relationship away. And all he said was...I'll think about it. Please advice me on what to do because I can't cope with this anymore, its to hard. I can't walk away from him as he is literally my world :( and also I'm so sorry about the bad paragraphs but I'm typing this on my blackberry. Thankyou and I'll appreciate any advice on this.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well done for giving him space and not bombarding him - that's an incredibly strong thing for you to do even though you're hurting terribly inside.

    I come from a position where I've had a similar experience, but from the other side of the coin. I was dating a guy who I really liked, but we kept having huge, devastating and emotionally draining arguments. So I instigated a break, needing to get my head out of the situation to sort it. I didn't want to break up, I did like the guy, but I needed to do something otherwise I would have broken myself!

    I can only imagine how much turmoil and pain he was going through whilst we were on this break period - and I certainly didn't enjoy putting him through it. I rushed my thinking and time and eventually decided to suggest a short break away and then "starting again" as you suggested to your ex. I genuinely wanted to do that - so that is a positive example of how you allowing your ex the space could go in your favour. (Unfortunately I do then have to say that my ex and I never got back together as just after I'd settled on that there was another argument which pushed me over the edge again!)

    I wouldn't advise that you completely walk away from the relationship at this point - but don't keep yourself hanging on stupidly either. I think you've done the right thing by not bombarding him. Perhaps a good thing for you to do now would be to take some time for yourself and truly think. There's a couple of points to this - do some nice things for you, go and see your friends, have a bit of a pamper, some fun, cheer yourself up and remind yourself that actually being independent is fun. This will make you feel better, and put you in a better position to deal with the relationship instability.

    The other thing to think about is whether you're really happy with this rowing and lying too - you mention that you couldn't let the lying go. Why is that?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It sounds like he has made it pretty clear what he wants. He could potentially be trying to be nice so you hurt less, or because he wants to leave the door open to coming back to you if things don't work out elsewhere. It's good that you have not been bombarding him with messages, however there is a point where you may have to let go. It sounds as if things were not working out, and as hard as it might be for you to deal with is, it could be for the best. You mentioned that he never did drugs when he was with you? I'm not saying he did, but there is always the possibility that you just never saw him doing them. He may come back to you, he may not, but you do know that he has lied and deceived you, but you can't just stop there standing still as he may well be able to use that against you. If you and him are right together then he will come back, and if anything, you being able to be an independent person without will make you a stronger person. However, there could be the possibility that is over.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have been txn him but not a lot and I havnt been nasty, just saying please think about reconsidering and I think what we had was worth fighting for. I know he lied but I love him that much, I want to work on it. Iv told him I'm more than willing to give him space, I'm just so worried that he will prefer single life or that this whole time he has been trying to give me false hope just so I leave him alone. But why move in to a flat that is literally 10seconds away from mine? There are so many places nearer to his work where he could of moved in to if he wanted to make a clean break from me, I have to walk past his house everyday to take my kids school. It seems so weird that he would move so close after a breakup. And it wasn't the only one he could get either, there are soooo many rooms to rent all over the area so why my street??
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