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Relationship with my my mum

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
me and my mum had a tiny disagreement this morning and my mum told me to go back to my where I belong and I was not happy with what she said (not the first time she sad it to me now) then we sorted it out at the end then her boyfriend (well so called her boyfriend not) started augeing with her. ( I don't get on with him) they argue all the time. they don t think how it would have advect on me and upsetting it would be for me to listen to all. I told them they have to stop arguing with each other all the time. (they don't Liston to me) I want to spend time with my mum and have a good Christmas because its my first time having Christmas with her. (my Christmas has been rack because of what happened today) then he ask me for a vag I said no to him ( it might sound harsh but he smokes all his then smoke all mine when I buy them) so he brought them for me and then he got hold of me and told me to give them to him and I said no and then my mum told him to get of me and turned around and smack my mum on the face for no reason all because she told him to get of me. my mum give him chance after chance to stop being the way he is. he take everything out on me and my mum because he in bed because he got this thing not sure what it is though he take it of me and my mum. my mum lives in a flat with other people they heard them to auguring and phone the police and they came around to see what was going on. (me and my mum wont speak to him after what he did to me and my mum. so when the police came round I told what happened. had a horrible day. don't know what to do. he admitted what he have done wrong to the police I don't know what I would do next. I been soo low and upset I wanted to do something I dint want to do because everything going wrong with me. I lost 4 people in the last 3 weeks then had the police around the house whats next. it been sorted but not sure what going to do next. I told them if they carry on I will go back where I living now and have Christmas there


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    LauraOLauraO Posts: 535 Incredible Poster
    Hey Heather,

    I know today is going to be a difficult day for you as you have lost relatives recently. Big hugs *hug*

    Are you with your Mum today? I am not sure whether you meant the police came round today, or another day?

    It sounds as though both you and your Mum are unhappy with the way her boyfriend is treating you both. Do you speak to your Mum about how you are feeling?

    Keep chatting to us, as you know we're here for you!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It sounds like you're going through quite a tough time at the minute. It might seem scary that the police have been around, but at least a dangerous cycle has been stopped. Many people suffer and go through similar situations as yourself, but don't do something about it because they're scared they will get in more trouble. I'll keep on popping on here through the day if there is anything more you want to add or just get off your chest :)

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes iam. yesterday the police came round because of my mum boyfriend hurting the both off us :( yes I have but he doesn't Liston

    may I ask u both something

    thanks both of u :)
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    LauraOLauraO Posts: 535 Incredible Poster
    Sure heather....you know you can ask us anything here! *hug*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    iam a shy to ask u :P
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    LauraOLauraO Posts: 535 Incredible Poster
    Ok Heather, well if you decide you want to you know where we are :)

    I have just seen your other post, sounds like you're feeling down this evening, big *hug*. Remember that tomorrow is a new day. Keep talking to us.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Are u pleased that I posting on here
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Really great to see you posting heather

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    HeatherAnneHeatherAnne Deactivated Posts: 6 Confirmed not a robot
    We're definitely pleased that you're posting here, Heather. Feel free to talk to us anytime. It sounds like Christmas was tough. I hope things have been better the past couple of days. Hugs to you!
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