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New Job

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I've been offered a new job (in Scotland) and I live in the midlands. The job itself isn't bothering me, it's my dream job and I'm really happy. What worries me is moving to a new area with no contacts, no friends and no family.

I know some people on here have been in similar situations and was just wondering if you could give me any advice. I'm looking for flats in the nearest city so I can have some kind of social life. I've also got in touch with local drama groups and arranged to meet up with some people involved in them. I'm freaking out a bit - this is a really big life change for me and I can't let go of the niggling doubt I'll not make friends!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Do you think your new employer would give you some relocation support?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There are a few websites I found helpful. One being meetup.com . Basically you can search for groups near to where you will be living. For example where I live there is a group for girls who like socialising, a group where anything goes (trips to the pub, cinema, ice skating, pic nic in the park... etc), a group for people who love films and technology, a group for dog walkers... literally anything! The idea being you join in with others who are in/have been in a similar position to you. I have found that helpful though not sure how good it is across the UK or whether I am just in a very active area.

    Also, would you consider moving into shared housing? I find that gave me three people I instantly got to know in my new area. Even if you then move out after half a year or so?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Would second house sharing if you're up for that, even if you don't stay there very long. If you pick the right housemates you should hopefully end up with a couple of people up for socialising/showing you the sites/introducing you to all people without too much effort. And if you don't get on with the first people you move in with for whatever reason, don't let that put you off, it might just take a couple of attempts.

    Drama group sounds like a great idea - I joined a book club which was pretty good. Didn't meet anyone that I became really close too, but I got on with them all well enough and it got me out of the house and gave me something to do which I enjoyed. Also met a couple of people through the gym - mainly through the social things they organised rather than the gym itself.

    You may find you meet quite a lot of people through work, depending on the sort of job you're moving for. I was lucky in that I ended up working with a lot of people who were my age, enjoyed going out, and met other people through them.

    Volunteering might also be something to have a look into.

    It's definitely a big step but also an amazing opportunity.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Oooh. I like those ideas, thanks everyone!
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