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Benefits of online education

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
edited March 27 in Work & Study
In today's world the whole world has just become the global village.With thanx to modern technology we can get any information on finger tip.And it has also affected the education system too.The very famous yet common way of getting education now days is the online education and diplomas.These are low at cost.Students have time plans for their own for study.Completing Assignments with Flexibility.what else you would say about this.
Post edited by JustV on


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Online Education will mean different things to different people who want to study but have social anxiety preventing them leaving the house I guess online education is a way they could achieve this. But then theres the added extra of how do you know its someones work being submitted is someone with the internet theres always the chance someone could pretend its their work and they could of had it emailed to them by anyone. Being in a school/college/univeristy there is always the added extra of getting a connection with the tutor and student where the tutor will start to recognize the students strengths and weeknesses and understand when something is their work and when its not.

    Personally I find going into a place of education would be more bennofical then online because you get to do the Scary "ahhhhhhh socialising" Yup. Half of the learning doesn't actually go on in the classroom it goes on with what your Peers teach you. Your emotional and social development increase in a place of education and not just your intellectual. Sometimes you even meet "the one" Being stuck at a computer your unlikely to find this...unless you log onto a dating site of course.

    Also online education you choose the times you want to learn which means for most it means a lie in bed and probably missing out on doing an assesment..cause come on..who's going to get out of bed at 7am when you could hit that alarm for another 5 more minuts?

    Online education maybe good for some people. but for me..it's just a no-go
  • **helen****helen** Deactivated Posts: 9,233 Supreme Poster
    Emmalee wrote: »

    Personally I find going into a place of education would be more bennofical then online because you get to do the Scary "ahhhhhhh socialising" Yup. Half of the learning doesn't actually go on in the classroom it goes on with what your Peers teach you. Your emotional and social development increase in a place of education and not just your intellectual. Sometimes you even meet "the one" Being stuck at a computer your unlikely to find this...unless you log onto a dating site of course.

    :yes: really good points.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Motivation is a key issue - unless it is something you really want to do and find enjoyable, it is so hard motivating yourself to do the work...

    As already mentioned - you miss out a lot on the social aspect which I never realised just how big a part that played in uni life until I changed to online for my final year.

    Also, based on my experiences from 2nd year (when I went into uni) and final year (online/distance) if you have any personal issues, it is much harder as an online student to get that across and the impact it is having..whereas in 2nd year my tutors were much more helpful/understanding/supportive.

    The positives are the flexibility, the ability to work full time and gain some very relevant work experience which has helped me more than my degree! Also, they are a little more lenient with assessment dates due to work commitments; therefore, if you have a genuine work commitment then they will grant extensions, etc.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thats something I meant to mention about the support you have more of a chance of getting it in a place of education like for example, I went to school once and I said what was going on at home and they attempted to sort it out and got a counsellor for me to talk to..(who was rubbish and told me I was just pathetic and I'm no good for counselling) but anyways, but I wouldnt of been able to get that if it was online.

    As much as I've spent my entire life complaining I wish I could go to bed when Im at school and college, I am happier to be there then I would at home. Nobody would stick their size 10's up my arse if I was late on an assignment..

    Also..what about if your internet runs out? or your laptop breaks? see see...a school cant run out..
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think some good points have been raised here. Sometimes I think online education is really good for those people in busy and ever changing jobs (ie when working). Except as has been mentioned, sometimes having that subject matter expert in front of you (teacher) can help you much more easily when stuck. Also, if you make it into college or school during a day, it might be different for others, but I've always been one for "I'm here so I might as well get on with it" rather than shirking off at home during self study.

    Sent from my whyayePad using Tapatalk
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Saying that, if you study with the OU you can get time one to one with a tutor when often in schools/colleges/unis more than a 5 min check in is just not possible!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    In the online learning system the you are free to manage your time while the learning is high.This is very best for those people who study while doing there jobs.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm not sure if it counts as 'education' but recently I have been taking some online sewing and knitting courses on the website craftsy.com. I am not very well at the moment and can rarely leave the house so going to a class is impractical. I did go to one sewing workshop in real life but I was very stressed about it. With the online courses I can do them in my pyjamas at home. Also you can ask the teacher and other students questions on the website. Another thing is that the camera angles get closer in to the sewing machine than a group class can with a demonstration so the online class is in a way easier to tell what is going on.
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