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On Trial for GBH

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hi guys,

Need some advice, I was charged for GBH (without intent) and my trial is soon. But the thing is I didn't hit anyone! This is what happened:

It was a nightout, There was two lads and i got into an argument with one of them about something that happened in the past as we know eachother, It started off in a club but then i left it. It wasnt until the way home i me and my mate was walking past a kebab and shop and they walked out, the subject then got bought up again and we started arguing. Right so, we are having an argument, i wouldnt say it was overly heated just a normal argument, Two other lads turn up who I know by face but not names. They see what is going on and get involved, ive told them to leave it as it has nothing to do with them and i hardly know them. But they didnt listen. One of these lads that has turned up has got on the phone and rang someone saying ''come round quick we are being started on'', Then this lad has come round the corner and started hitting on the boys i got into the argument with, it was only two-three quick punches. The lads that had got hit then ran off round to a side road and the three lads that joined us and my mate ran after them. I was the only one who didnt chase them! A couple of days later im being arrested for GBH.

Right so i've been charged with two counts of GBH which i didnt hit anyone. The two lads statements who got attacked say different things. The person who i know and got into the arugment with says i was in the group that chased after them but i didnt hit him i apparently hit his mate, but in his friends statement (the one i apparently hit) says i wasnt int he group that chased them and i didnt hit either of them!

Only 3 of us got charged. me and mate (cause we got into the argument) and the lad who threw the first punches. The other two who chased after them and attacked them got off (as they didnt get picked out at the ID Parade)

Do you think i have anything to worry about? Could i go to prison for doing nothing!?




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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey there SebArnold and thanks for posting your query.

    You must be really worried at the moment about the recent events and now that you have been charged. It must be frustrating too but you'll come through this.

    It's important to note that to give you any real advice about the prospects of your case, all the evidence and information needs to be looked at. Therefore we're probably not in the best position on this forum to give you detailed legal advice. However, you can contact a lawyer and they will be able to help. You may like to try using the Community Legal Advice finder page - http://legaladviserfinder.justice.gov.uk/AdviserSearch.do
    That link also has a phone number that you can call.

    You may also like to take a look at theSite articles in the Home, Money and Law section - http://www.thesite.org/homelawandmoney/law/introuble
    There is a lot of information on there so it might be worth browsing through them.

    Have you been able to talk about this with a friend (who is not involved in the proceedings) or a family member? It might help to just talk things through with someone who isn't involved, because you will need support and someone to lean on through this process.

    I hope you're able to put this behind you very soon. Please let us know if you have any further worries or questions about this or anything else; we're always here to offer help.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thank you :)

    Yes it has turned my life upside down at the moment. I do have a solicitor but I was hoping maybe others that have been in this same situation could tell me more.

    Joint enterprise has been mentioned as i got into an argument, but I didnt know the three lads that attacked them and i didnt encourage them to attack, how can i prove that in court? And would they send me to prison for that?

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    These are things you need to be talking to your solicitor about. Asking people what happened to them in similar circumstances isn't going to help you out I'm afraid. All they'll be giving you is a personal anecdote, not sound legal advice.

    In terms of possible sentencing, unless you've already been a very naughty boy it's unlikely (but not impossible) that you'll be given a prison sentence.
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