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How do I deal with this...

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
How the he'll do i deal with this? I recently found out the guy I've slept with 4 times not only has a gf but has been living with a 50 yr old... The last time I saw him two wks ago and he said he was single we had sex then a wk later I went to see him he told me not to bother and it wasn't going to happen again...he denied anything happened which resulted me hitting him..., the lady he's living with said to me why was I upset I'd only been with him once and that I knew they were together and a few months bk she did threaten me and I didn't know why

He's spread rumours that ive not taken no for an answer and that I've bombarded him with texts which is all lies. We all go to same pub and feel I'm being laughed at and finding it hard coping...


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Heyy Jacob,

    Sorry to hear that u are finding it hard to cope with things at the moment. Have u tryed speaking to them and asking them y have this happened or have u spoken to any of ur famliey are close freinds. U could speak to people out of ur famliey and see what they sugrested to u.

    Let us know how u get on :)

    Best Wishes,
    Heather xx

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Websites might help





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    Try these they might help u

    Let us know how u get on :)

    Best Wishes,
    Heather xx

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi jacobs_gal,

    Great advice links from bubbley-Heather here :yes:

    It must be really hurtful for you to have thought he was single when in fact all this time he had a girlfriend. It's completely natural to feel confused at this stage and to wonder how to deal with this, he has put you in a really uncomfortable position, especially as you could easily bump into one another.

    It's hard to understand why sometimes people are unfaithful but it's important to remember it probably says more about them then about you.

    It's also unfair for them to have spread rumours about you. Maybe staying away from particular places where you might see them (such as the pub) for a little while could help calm things down? Or if you feel you still want to go there make sure you go with friends who will be there for you, supporting you. Usually rumours that are not true eventually go away with time *hug*

    On another note, if you know he slept with both of you, it could be worth getting a check up just to be on the safe side.

    Do let us know how you get on, and please do keep posting :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    christele wrote: »
    Hi jacobs_gal,

    Great advice links from bubbley-Heather here :yes:

    It must be really hurtful for you to have thought he was single when in fact all this time he had a girlfriend. It's completely natural to feel confused at this stage and to wonder how to deal with this, he has put you in a really uncomfortable position, especially as you could easily bump into one another.

    It's hard to understand why sometimes people are unfaithful but it's important to remember it probably says more about them then about you.

    It's also unfair for them to have spread rumours about you. Maybe staying away from particular places where you might see them (such as the pub) for a little while could help calm things down? Or if you feel you still want to go there make sure you go with friends who will be there for you, supporting you. Usually rumours that are not true eventually go away with time *hug*

    On another note, if you know he slept with both of you, it could be worth getting a check up just to be on the safe side.

    Do let us know how you get on, and please do keep posting :)

    So what do i do though i still have strong feelings
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Heyy jacobs_gal,

    Here some tips that might work

    1. Writing down how ur feeling, scrow it up and throw then in the bin it might help u to have no feeling there

    2. Write down ur feelings and give it to someone that u trust and talk about the things u written

    3. write down all ur happy time u have and put it in a box, put it away, when ur feeling down u could get it out and read them and that might make u happy

    4. Do something physical. Go for a walk, play a game of tennis or basketball, or go for a swim, liston to music or something u enjoy doing. This will naturally make you feel better.

    Hopes this helps

    Let us know how u get on

    Best wishes,
    Heather xx

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Find a new hang-out and have no contact with this creep. People like this think they can do it again - don't let that happen!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Find a new hang-out and have no contact with this creep. People like this think they can do it again - don't let that happen!

    Do u really think he'll try something if I've hit him though
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    In any case stop all the contacts with him. Find some new place where you can go to, meet new people and try to get over all this. You won't win anything if you continue to fight with this. Wish you luck!
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