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Hurt by best mate

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I had this best freind who id been best freinds wiv for a few yrs.We got on so well and we had some really gud times and nice memories now.She had been thru quite a lot-pregnancy,breaking up wiv mates and family troubles-yet thru it all i stayd by her.
It wasnt till a late last yr,we both got boyfs that were gd mates and things sort of started to drift away.She did fings behind his bak that i didnt agree wiv cos i fort he was a gd lad i didnt want her to hurt him like she had otha boyfs who i was usually gd freinds wiv.
A few months a go she tried to get off wiv my boyf so wen i asked her about it she kicked up a big fuss, told evryone lies about me and wudnt tell her boyf the truth about who she'd been with behind his bak.It really hurt me n all my mates hated her n fell out wiv her cos of it.
But now shes begging forgiveness and even though i know shes the one in the wrong i feel like the bitch wantin nothing to do wiv her.Do i just get on wiv my life like have been without her?or do i try and put whats happend beind us and upset all my friends for going bak for more?If anyones been treat bad by a best mate im sure u'll undastand!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you've been best mates with her for a while, then it does seem a shame to throw it away, even though it sounds like she's been acting evil.

    I suppose it all depends if you can trust her or not, and if you beleive that she wont do anything like this again. I personally would give a close friend the benefit of doubt in a situtation like this, but then I'm just soft :D

    It's your call, but if you do decide to forgive her, make sure she knows her behaviour was out of order and it can never happen again.

    Good luck.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Every one needs friends, She maybe a bitch but you can forgiver her, Just don't forget and make sure you can trust your bf.

    She may have learnt the error of her ways now, You owe it to her to at least give her another chance.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Give her another chance, if she was that much of a mate to you then theres no point in throwing it all away. Yeah shes made mistakes and hurt you in the past but if shes begging forgiveness this shows she has realised her mistakes.

    You can give it a go, if she hasnt changed and carries on doing things to upset you then just tell her how you feel, but chances are shes matured abit, realised shes in the wrong, and moreso realised that she needs your friendship.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Maybe it is just me being cynical, but I would keep away from her. At least not return to the relationship you had before... I am sure it is hard for her to have everyone turning their back on her, but you'd be the fool to give in to her wishes now after what she has done.

    The max form of relationship I would have with her is something casual. Like meeting up every once in a while or so.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You'll never get back what you had. And I know that everytime I looked at her I would see the girl who brought me misery and upset me so much. I would also see someone who tried to get off with my boyfriend.

    In the past has she behaved the way a afriend should? No.

    Your current friends have stuck by you and they don't want to see you get hurt. I can see their point.

    In agreement with Jacqueline the Ripper, I would say stay well clear. You've been happy without her and you've built new relationships.

    She has probably just found that she has no mates and is looking for the weakest minded ex-mate to latch onto again.

    I think you can be strong and say no to this girl, after all, aren't you worth more than that?
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