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Girlfriend Trouble!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hello, I'm really knew to this and I dont really know what I'm doing but I've been having some major problesm recently! My lifes not been very fair to me at all (family suicides, nervous breakdowns, failed relationships that kinda stuff). I consider myself good looking and great to talk to but it also seems as if the only way I can get a relationship I'm happy with is if it's a long distance relationship.

I met a girl on holiday we pretty much fell in love instanly and we went out within 2 months. We went out for 2 years, 6 months before that 2 years was up I was giving her a really hard time and I found myself slightly out of control. I was splitting up with her and being paranoid for no reason at all of course we always got back together. Anyway as soon as she turned 16 she decided to move in with me, within a month of that she was having sex with my best mate. Ironically she went out with him over me and now they live together.

Anyway 8 months ago I met a girl and she seemed really perfect. She was everything that I've always said to myself I'd love in a women, she had a perfect personality but she wasn't all that sexy. I was more than happy with this because she was someone I was able to talk to and kinda spill my guts with, she was also extremely shy! We talked daily for about 3 months than all of a sudden one night when I was expecting a phone call I found out she'd gone out, I figured to myself it wasn't anything majorly bad just I'd be lonely that night. Next night the same thing and now I'm lucky if I speak to her once a week. I love her so much and I'd do anything not to split up with her but I've got a strong feeling shes cheating on me or somethings just totally different and I feel asi f I'm very much to blame. I always talked to her about my holiday girlfriend and always try and make her more out going. Now she seems more tarty and excited and shes becoming exactually what my ex was. Shes changing so fast, when we met she didnt have any piercings, now she has 4!

To be honest I'll put up with her cheating just as long as she changes and pays me more attention but I'm also dead worried that the same thing's gonna happen like it did last time and everytime I speak to her I'm gonna make her life a misery and accuse her of doing things she probably hasn't done. Last time we argued about my paranoir she asked me to marry her, whether that was something stupid she said to end the arguement or not I donno.... Problem is I can just see myself finishing her and accusing her of cheating, then that leaves me single once again. Being single is an EXTREMELY bad thing for me, I'm currently on fluxetine (prozak to you yanks) and I get dead depressed if I'm single for longer than a month and end up on the verge of suicidal. Even the feeling that shes cheating makes me want to hang myself.

Is my life gonna just continue down hill or will things get better for me? I've got a feeling that I'm better off without girl number 2 but I really dont want to end it because i know how upset I'm gonna feel. Will these batman style lines ever end?? We'll see after my holidays!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    First, I think you should talk to your girlfriend about how you feel. I know it can be hard when you think a girlfriend could be cheating on you, but do not accuse her of cheating, it'll wreck the whole relationship. Just tell her that you dont think things are how they used to be, and you worry sometimes that she's not as interested in you as she used to be. Then see what she says to that. I know its a bugger when girls change into something different from what you knew them to be before.

    You say you would put up with her cheating, just so long as she changes and pays more attention to you. Even though you feel like this now, once a cheater always a cheater, and it will only make you feel worse about things, and eat away at your self esteem.

    Things will get better for you, at least you have an idea that this girl isn't right for you, but talk to her and see what happens. If and when it breaks up, remember that you will find someone who will love you for who you are and treat you like you deserve to be treated.

    Good luck.
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