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Acts of kindness from strangers

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Following on from Shyboy's thread. Do you have any special acts of kindness from strangers to share?

My one is a bit weird. We always use the same village taxi driver when I take our kitten to the vets. He's always really kind and last time mentioned that he would drive more slowly because Battlecat was acting pretty agitated.

He also barely charges anything and is happy to wait outside the vets for the appointment to be finished.

I've had some miserable taxi drivers, bus drivers etc in the past so am particularly grateful to have found a nice un :)


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Nice thread :thumb:
    When I was homeless, I always used to see this woman who worked in one of the offices going to and from work, around were I used to wander around. Once I was sat there, it was late so there wasn't many people around, it was pissing down and freezing and I must have looked totally miserable, and she just sat down next to me and started talking to me even though she must have been as cold as I was, and getting soaked. We didn't talk about anything heavy, just random things and she said she came over because I looked like I needed some company.
    I thought that was really kind, because I was used to getting funny looks from people who don't ask and just assume, and give you that look like they wouldn't scrape you off their shoe. I haven't seen her since but I wish I knew who she was, never even found out her name, I did thank her for being so kind, but I wish I could thank her again.
  • **helen****helen** Deactivated Posts: 9,233 Supreme Poster
    Saw this on my friend's facebook status:
    Two women at my dad's dialysis unit regularly collect biscuit packets for me so I can collect points to get biscuit branded things. I don't know them, they don't know me but every two days my dad comes home with mounds of packets they've set aside. Little things but lovely.

    And thought of this thread. :heart:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    when I worked at asda a cute old lady had forgotten her purse one time, she was upset because she said it had taken all her strength to get to the supermarket once and she felt like she couldn't make it in for them again. the lady behind her paid for her shopping, I think it was £25 ish, she wouldn't let the lady have her details to pay her back she just kept saying its fine, if you were my mum I'd want somebody to help you out. I thought that was pretty lovely :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Racking my brains but honestly I'm not sure if strangers even realise I exist, I am quite short afterall :p.

    When I was in Bristol there was a slightly tipsy engineer who gave me a pep talk that came at quite a difficult period in my life. I'm not sure if he realised what he did was kind. But it was.

    He also recommended I become a banker because they seem to make the most money for doing nothing :P :P
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I had a spate of falls at baker st station and the amount of people who would literally pick me up and dust me off and help me to the platform was just great. I even had one guy offer to pay for a cab for the rest of my journey.

    But usually I'm that stranger, giving people the change for bus fares when their last pound just dropped a drain, giving parents with kids that have run out of snacks because of delays my healthy snack bars. Stuff like that
  • Starry nightStarry night Posts: 674 Incredible Poster
    At a train station I was really lost and it was late so I was getting a bit nervous. All the staff were looking at me like 'What's wrong with this chick?' A few of them started laughing as I just stood there looking at a map, getting more and more worried.
    Then, a guy turned round the corner, saw me and said 'You look a little bit lost...' in the loveliest voice. He gave me directions, which platform, and asked if I needed a train fare or a bus fare to get home.
    In Cardiff one day and it went from sunny to pissing down with rain. I had bare arms and a white vest top on. Everyone ran. A random guy saw me and let me stand under his umbrella so I wouldn't get soaked and let all of Cardiff see my bra. We had a good nag about the weather too. The rain only lasted about ten minutes, weird welsh weather.
    Random kindness, helps when you're a tad clueless like me. :heart::)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    At a train station I was really lost and it was late so I was getting a bit nervous. All the staff were looking at me like 'What's wrong with this chick?' A few of them started laughing as I just stood there looking at a map, getting more and more worried.
    Then, a guy turned round the corner, saw me and said 'You look a little bit lost...' in the loveliest voice. He gave me directions, which platform, and asked if I needed a train fare or a bus fare to get home.
    In Cardiff one day and it went from sunny to pissing down with rain. I had bare arms and a white vest top on. Everyone ran. A random guy saw me and let me stand under his umbrella so I wouldn't get soaked and let all of Cardiff see my bra. We had a good nag about the weather too. The rain only lasted about ten minutes, weird welsh weather.
    Random kindness, helps when you're a tad clueless like me. :heart::)

    Awww the umbrella guy sounds so awesome :)
  • **helen****helen** Deactivated Posts: 9,233 Supreme Poster
    OK, I was struggling to think of something for myself, then I remembered this gem.

    When I was 17, I was sat on a tube minding my own business staring out to space. An elderly lady sat opposite me put her hand out to touch me and said: "Do you mind if I say something to you?" I shook my head. She said:

    "I'm positive you don't realise this, but you are a very attractive young woman, and I hope someday you see it for yourself."

    At that time of my life, I really did think I was ugly and she had no idea how much it touched me. I was a very plain in style - short brown bob, rarely any make-up, quite tomboyish. I'm guessing she could tell I was shy and wanted me to know I wasn't invisible.

    It can be hard to compliment a stranger without coming across as odd, but she was very sweet and not weird at all. :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    **helen** wrote: »
    OK, I was struggling to think of something for myself, then I remembered this gem.

    When I was 17, I was sat on a tube minding my own business staring out to space. An elderly lady sat opposite me put her hand out to touch me and said: "Do you mind if I say something to you?" I shook my head. She said:

    "I'm positive you don't realise this, but you are a very attractive young woman, and I hope someday you see it for yourself."

    At that time of my life, I really did think I was ugly and she had no idea how much it touched me. I was a very plain in style - short brown bob, rarely any make-up, quite tomboyish. I'm guessing she could tell I was shy and wanted me to know I wasn't invisible.

    It can be hard to compliment a stranger without coming across as odd, but she was very sweet and not weird at all. :)

    that's lovely- she sounds like some sort of amazing fairy god mother.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I reckon a total of five people stopped to help in Abbey Courtyard in Bath when I broke my leg. Then my friend's fiance's brother came over just because he was the nearest person associated with the hen party and followed the ambulance to A&E and stayed there with my friends for 5 hours so he could take them back to the city centre.

  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Im pretty sure i dont have any except when i crashed my car on a country lane. Quite a few people stopped to help me, and i even had to send some on their way because there was already enough people. Because it was on a hill and a corner, two guys sat with their cars at the top and the bottom to slow people down and warn them.

    I then phoned my dad at his office for help but his boss answered and told me he was away in newcastle. I was so worried cos i was alone, car wouldnt start and i didnt know what to do but my dads boss came round the corner 5 minutes later to help me, phoned breakdown service and stayed with me while the police did their thing and the lorry came :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Reminds me of this lovely story:

  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It was about 10 years ago and I was on a late train by myself going to meet my bf at the time. A man came and sat next to me and was being really creepy and intimidating, asking me where I was going and what station I was getting off at. I was just about convinced that he was going to murder me horribly when a girl I didn't know yelled, 'Sarah! (not my name) OMG, Sarah, is that you? I can't believe it! Get over here and tell me how the hell you've been!'

    I didn't realise at first she was talking to me, but she caught my eye and started gesturing wildly, and I figured mistaken identity was better than horrible death, so I went over to sit next to her and her boyfriend, at which point the really creepy man wandered off into the next carriage. As soon as he was out of earshot, she told me she had no idea who I was, but Creepy Guy looked like he was really scaring me, and why didn't I sit with them the rest of the way. When I got to my station, her boyfriend said they would watch to see if Creepy Guy followed me off, and if he did, they'd get off too and walk me the rest of the way. I got off the train, he didn't, and I met up with my bf safely.

    It wasn't a big thing, but remains to this day the most selfless thing anyone has ever done for me.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Reminds me of this lovely story:


    That actually brought a teeny tear to my eye, and yours Kaff :) thank god that nice girl was there
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    **helen** wrote: »
    OK, I was struggling to think of something for myself, then I remembered this gem.

    When I was 17, I was sat on a tube minding my own business staring out to space. An elderly lady sat opposite me put her hand out to touch me and said: "Do you mind if I say something to you?" I shook my head. She said:

    "I'm positive you don't realise this, but you are a very attractive young woman, and I hope someday you see it for yourself."

    At that time of my life, I really did think I was ugly and she had no idea how much it touched me. I was a very plain in style - short brown bob, rarely any make-up, quite tomboyish. I'm guessing she could tell I was shy and wanted me to know I wasn't invisible.

    It can be hard to compliment a stranger without coming across as odd, but she was very sweet and not weird at all. :)

    But you are beautiful **helen**! I think that's amazing to be complimented, especially as nowadays people are sometimes so concerned about their image, but obviously you didn't have to do anything! I know that London Underground isn't the most enjoyable public transport to use, but do you ever think about what was said to you whilst you use it?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    A few years ago, I went on a huge fitness bender and cycled to the same place and back every day, about 12 miles or so round trip. After about 5 days, this old man in his garden stopped me, smiled and said 'keep up the good work! you're doing great'

    I thanked him and cycled on. Then about 2 weeks later, the same man stopped me again and congratulated me on how quick I was getting. He stays about 2 miles into my cycle, so I still had 8 miles to go between passing his house the second time. He told me he'd keep an eye out for me, and roughly time how long I took. The sweetest thing was that he said I brought a smile to his face every time I went quicker than the day before. I dont know why but it warmed my heart to think of how lovely he was. I dont know if he still lives there, but I wish there were more genuinely lovely people out there like him :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have a couple that always stick in my mind, though more recently a kind lady and bus conductor helped me out as I'd not brought enough money to the Park and Ride to pay for parking and the bus fare, as the parking charge was newly instigated!

    In December 2007, whilst I was doing my final year of uni up here in Leeds, my Dad was ill in hospital with cancer, and the night before I'd just had the call telling me that he was dying. So, Saturday morning I rushed to the National Express coach to take the first coach home, and luckily got on the first coach of the day. I spent most of it on the phone to my best friend in floods of tears, not caring who was around listening. I eventually finished that phone conversation and went to the toilet, only to return to my seat and find a twix on the seat. I asked around as to the owner of the twix, but was told that it was mine. To this day I still don't know who put the twix on my seat, but they hold a special place in my heart.

    The other incident I always remember is a few months after the first, when I was going through counselling after my Dad had died. I'd just had a session, and felt absolutely terrible. I couldn't face going home, so I was sat on a bench on the uni campus, looking absolutely desolate. This random student (and most likely a first year student at that) came up to me and sat with me, gave me a hug and just sat listening for a while, even though I physically couldn't tell her what was wrong. She even offered for me to come back to her digs for a cup of tea, though I didn't take her up on that. I remain eternally grateful for that, because the random kindness of a stranger did me the world of good.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    purple roo those are both really lovely
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