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The Pill and lack of sex drive. Normal?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
My boyfriend and I have been dating nearly 8 months now and while yes we were having protected sex, we both agreed that I should for extra safety go on the contraceptive pill.

I have now been on it for 2 weeks and have had a real lack of sexual drive. I've also been a bit for touchy since I've been on it and get more annoyed at little things that either he does, or that his friends do. I've always been the outsider of the group by the fact that I went to a different secondary school to them, but I'm more paranoid now that they are not including me for parties, cinema trips etc. despite that happening (that I know of) only once or twice.

The last time I was on the pill was for my GCSE's and because I went to Australia and didn't want to have a period then and didn't suffer any symptoms like this at all. I suppose I wouldn't have noticed if I had a lack of sexual drive the last time because I wasn't with anyone at the time.

But what I'm wondering is whether this lack of sex drive (among the other stuff mentioned) is perfectly normal while getting used to being on the contraceptive pill?


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    *Holly**Holly* Deactivated Posts: 140 Helping Hand
    Hey Lyddie.J

    There's all sorts of horror stories out there about the pill and its side-effects - particularly about it diminshing the sex drive. For this reason, TheSite wrote these two articles (using top experts in the field) to help distinguish the myth from the reality.

    Finding the right contraceptive pill highlights that it's completely normal to notice changes in the first 3 months after you start taking the pill because your body is adjusting to the hormones. It also highlights the importance of finding a pill that suits you. It's often a trial and error experience and can take a couple of experiments to find the right one.

    Also the pill: common side effects analyses the common side effects in more detail. Female libido is a complicated thing and it's worth seeing if other things in your life may be affecting it too. Also, sex changes as a relationship progresses and it's natural for things to drop off after about 8 months to a year. This piece How much sex is normal gives you more info on this and may be worth reading alongside.

    I hope this hasn't bombarded you with too much info. It's great that you're being so responsible - and being knowledgable about what's out there is part of that. You may find you prefer a contraceptive method different from the pill. We have advice on all the different types here.

    Hope you find all this helpful. Feel free to keep posting if you want anymore advice/information.

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