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Mum issues

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
So basically, my mum's an alcoholic, and often when she's had too much to drink she becomes verbally abusive towards me and occasionally my younger sister. This has been going on for about two years, and she has recently started to become physically abusive too.

She's a good parent really, she just has a lot of issues. I've tried persuading her to get help for her alcohol abuse problems before, but she is still in denial that she even has an issue. Speaking to her won't help, so who could I go to about this? I really don't want to get her into trouble or anything, it's just that I'm becoming so desperate; the way she's treating me is making me feel suicidal.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    try al-anon.

    They might be able to help you cope if nothing else. Have you got another family member or family friend thats seen it happen? They might be able to talk to your mum. You could also talk to your family GP about it. They are not allowed to say that you spoke to them about your mother's drinking.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi xZoey :wave:

    It sounds like living with your mum must be really tough, and I'm really sorry to hear that she's started to become abusive towards you and your sister as well.

    Miss_Riot's suggestion of taking a look at Al-Anon is a really good one. You might also want to check out our article on TheSite about Living with a drinker.

    I do also agree with Miss_Riot that you may want to think about visiting your GP to talk about it. Especially as it's clearly making you feel quite down. Your GP should be able to help look after your wellbeing, as well as help you to help your mum.

    We're always here to help on the boards, so do let us know how you're getting on. And don't forget that if things ever get too tough, you can always contact The Samaritans, who there to listen when you need someone to do so.

    Take care,
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Could you film her when she's at her worst and show the video her when she's sober? She might realise what she's really like with that kind of evidence.
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