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Should i stay or should i go ?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
As some of you maybe aware or not, Ill do a quick recap: Moved to Australia on a working holiday and was in Melbourne, A sister that i haven't seen in 15 years (we never really seen each other before) got in contact. At the time i thought it was best to move to her city to be closer. It was working fine, then there was a big bump but i felt we got over it and it looked liked we was getting on fine.

This monday found out that she doesnt at this moment in time want to make contact (thanks for showing the cake and told i cant eat it) and due to my actions over the last 3 months she is feeling very very uncomfortable of me living close to her (5k's - didn't know it was going to be that close) and is in 'fear' of me/bumping into her in the street etc. It was never my intention and the last thing i want to do is scare her/not let her enjoy her own town.

So now come to a decision that i have too move, but i don't know what version to do.

1. Stay in her city but move further away (12k's away) and not be in her area, use the same beach/shops etc and know there is less chance of being bumping into each other. I have a good job here and met some nice people.

2. Leave the state and go back to Melbourne/other to give her back her city, knowing i am not ever going to bump into her and 'go back to normal' how it was before i ever came her. Part of me would do this but i have no funds to support me for very long.

what would u do/advice ?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you have a job, I would stay where you are and just move to a different area. While I probably wouldn't have moved to be closer to her, if she wasn't uncomfortable with it initially, it's not your problem if she is now. Since you're not going to be in contact with her, I would see it as this:

    1. Stay where you have a good job, and have made friends.
    2. Go and be broke and unemployed in Melbourne.

    The likelihood of you bumping into her isn't high, one would assume (I've lived in the same town as a bunch of my exes for years and I've seen them in the street less than half a dozen times over the years - and Braintree isn't exactly big), and if you did, the best you can do is to pretend you haven't even seen her.
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