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Tips for looking for work?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hey, I'm 18 (nearly 19) and I'm looking to find a job. But I'm finding it a tad difficult. I've written up two CVs tailored to different types of work and sent off for about 6 jobs from the Job Centre and I've not had one reply, even though it's been about two weeks now.

I haven't had a proper job before, as bad as it sounds, in sixth form and college I never really needed the money since I got received £20 worth of EMA a week and my parents paid for my travel and since I'm not that sociable, it's not like I needed a lot of money for going out all the time. Now I'm still in college, but the course I'm doing is a time-passer that my mum's made me do, and I don't like it at all. I'd rather be doing Access but I have to wait until next year to do it, and my parents will probably throw me out if I end up doing literally nothing and claiming benefits, not that I want to, so I need a job for this academic year. I'm wondering if my lack of real work experience at my age might be holding me back and if there's anything I can do. The only work experience I have is from placements in warehouses, offices, etc. from my time in school/college, and I'm emphasized on it in my CV (as well as my qualifications - GCSEs, AS levels, BTEC, etc), but I don't think it holds any weight.

Any advice?


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Might be useful to apply for temp christmas jobs at this point, most shops are hiring for christmas and most don't need much experience because they just want extra people to help with the busy rush of crimbo! Or possibly voluntary work if it's not the money you need just the experience?
    I'm pretty much in the same situation, just applying for plenty of christmas jobs and have been getting a few replies and I have little experience like you. Sometimes even just walking into shops and handing in CV's can work quite well, print out lots of copies and just hand them out everywhere!
    Good Luck! :)
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