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Stuck for ideas..!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
So hi guys. I know its been absolutely ages! Sorry , I guess my life has become pretty full and busy since starting a levels and getting together with my gf :) Life is getting better, slowly.

But anyway, onto my little dilemma XD

Halloween. This is her favourite day of the year. I want to make it extra special for her :)

But to be honest. I really couldn't care less about this day - normally.

So yeah im reallly stuck for ideas,can anybody help me out?

(P.s sorry if this not the right place, i wasn't too sure)


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well decide if you're going to stay in or go out for starters...

    If you're going to stay in, you could decorate the place in halloweeny things, light candles, make pumpkin pie or soup (my favourite is pumpkin risotto), make a trick or treat treasure hunt around the house (I love doing this! have little clues as to where things might be, make them fairly cryptic, and have some as yummy sweets and others as bowls of cold tinned spagetti, or to make it really horrible buy loads of offal (just remember to get rid of it after you've done the hunt). Have a gothicy/halloweeny playlist (PM me if you need a hand with ideas for this, I used to DJ at goth/industrial nights). Watch horror films, or cine noir with Bela Lugosi and such (white zombie is a good'un)...

    If you're going to go out, just make sure you choose the right kind of party for what she's into.

    Hope that helps :)
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