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am i sufeering from paranoia or am i just being jelous??pleease help

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
hi everyone.i have a huge problem at the moment.ive been married for 4 years now.ive been in a relationship with my wife for over 9 years.i know she loves me dearly.the problem is that about 6 or 7 months ago she got frindly with a guy who worked in a cafe over the shop that she works in.she would pass him several times a day going to the store office and they would chat regularly.about 4 months ago they baecame froinds on facebook.they only had 4 conversations on fb in the space of 5 weeks but there was a few little flirts thrown in in some of the conversations.about 3 months ago she went and met him for a coffee but when she returned that day she told me she had bumped into and had coffee.a few days later i got the truth out of her that they arranged on fb to meet for a coffee.i am an incredably jelous guy so she is saying she lied to me so not to hurt my feelings and because she knew how i would react.he is a very good looking guy and she told me this hersel.ive seen everything they spoke about on fb as i hacked into her account.i also know that it was only the one time they met.she has since completly stopped contacting him and told him last wek that her marriage was more important to her than he was so she wouldnt be talking to him again.i also made her ring him while i was listening in to confirm that nothin happened.i also confronted him on this.twice.i know im being an ass but i cant help wondering why she flirted with him.our relationship had being going downhill for the last 2 years as she wanted a baby and i didnt.but she always told me she loved me.i also stopped being affectionate with her and became dismissive of her.i just cant stop thinkin that she did somethin or had feelings for him.pleeeease help


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    **helen****helen** Deactivated Posts: 9,235 Supreme Poster
    Hey, have just spotted this thread is duplicated in the health forum so going to close this one and move that one over here. Great that you're reaching out for help, just best to ask in one place only so that all replies are together and the discussion isn't disjointed.

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