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Getting access to medical records

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Can someone please tell me if it's a simple case of asking for them?

I had an MRI scan done in February and received a letter in March stating that results have been sent to GP. Results stated that something is wrong with my brain; but no-one knows what.

Had appointment with neurosurgeon on Friday, who said:
- I have excess fluid on my brain (I was showed the scan - there's a black shadow on each side. On one side, it's much larger)
- I had epilepsy as a child - my mum was told that she was over reacting and there's nothing wrong with me - despite me waking up many times at stupid o'clock having just vomited and not really being with it. This is despite the fact that it's genetic on my dad's side and there is something about people who have seizures soiling and vomiting.
- I have some sort of leg / spinal problem. He said that my pilonidal sinus was probably the sign of something more serious - I was told at the time there was no cause for it and it just happens. Mum also claims I don't walk properly - I know this and assumed it's a balance issue
- My head tilt / balance issues aren't eye sight related - when I was younger, everything was "it's her eye sight"
- Part of my optic nerve being missing / not formed properly is related to the brain fluid issue - I don't remember being told why this has happened.

When I was younger, I would complain of headaches and had a CT (or CAT) scan for it and don't remember at all being given the results. Can I ask for them? Not changed GPs (apart from uni) and am being treated at the same hospital for this issue. I am wondering if that scan would give me any more answers. is it the GP or hospital I ask for these results?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You can request a copy of your medical records from your GP - obviously you get a copy of your GP notes. You can also request a copy from the hospital - that gets you a copy of your hospital notes. They can each make a reasonable charge for providing these copies (not usually more than £15). Scans don't generally have results - they're not to test for anything, they just give a picture. If you've not changed GPs or hospitals then any information and images from scans in the past should be available to your current doctor on your files.

    As for the pilonidal sinus - there's a massive variety of opinion as to what if anything causes them. There are definitely many cases that happen for absolutely no apparent reason. There are also a few that potentially are actually very very very minor forms of spina bifida.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What Scary said. You have to apply in writing and there is an admin charge (for the cost of copying/printing the files). Hope all goes well.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks you two. :)
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