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Just, me, myself and I. :/

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I've been to this website before, but since the last time, I'm not entirely sure but things may have changed quite a bit..
I turned 15, but I'm in a relationship with someone who is 2 and a half years older than me (coming up to 18 soon).
I admit it's wrong, etc. but now things may have become serious, we've been doing things (not going into detail, although they're not COMPLETELY serious) my family know and now they're going to stop us from dating.. :/
I feel so bounded to one area, and I've recently got some confidence but now it's been knocked completely, as I have attempted to run away with him, and the fact he's a Christian.
What's worse, I've been threatened by my older half-brother and now I feel useless so therefore I've begun self-harming again..

Each time I go to cry, I think of terrible thoughts, at some point I will end up doing worse.. ><
I just have no one to turn to anymore..


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi there HanzyPanzy44,

    It seems like your family is against this relationship mainly because he is older and from a different religious background.Mixed religion relationships can be hard as differences may get in the way - and it seems like your family already have a problem with it.

    Do you have someone you can talk to other than your family about this? Or perhaps someone in your family that understand where you are coming from? Running away can feel like the right decision at the time, but unfortunately doesn't always get rid of the problem you have to face at home.

    You say you are "self-harming again" have you been dealing with self harming before? Confiding in someone about this could also help - Please have a look at our article on Coping with self harm.

    Do let us know how you get on *hug*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm my entirely sure if my family don't like the religious backgrounds, since I don't believe or think of God, my mother believes and my father does too.. I think. I'm trying my best but there seems to be no one I can actually turn to and say what I feel because it backfires against me.
    I don't really have a friend who's gone through this, and even if they have I wouldn't ask for advice, since I've relied on others my entire life. :/

    I have dealt with self harming a few times, sometimes I'd want to do it but then turn and think worse thoughts. I feel like I'm useless at times, I don't know why, honestly..

    Thanks for reading :)
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