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Strip Clubs

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

When ever I have been in an relationship I've always been really uncomfortable with the idea of my boyfriend going to a strip club and getting a dance from one of the girls. I would even have a problem with him going there and not getting a dance, due to the half naked girls walking around asking to be stared at.

Me and my boyfriend went for a meal together last weekend and ended up getting really hammered and ended up in a strip club together and he paid for me to have a dance from one of the girls. I was really drunk but I remember enjoying it and not minding that my boyfriend was staring at another woman naked. To be honest I wouldn't of liked it if HE was the one getting the dance but it was ok because it was me. We have even discussed going again together.

The thing is, I would really hate it if he went with his mates to a club like that and I wasn't there which kind of confuses me as I know he would never cheat and there is nothing to worry about, but I would still hate it.

How do you feel about your other halves going to strip clubs? I just also wanna say I would never consider going to a male strip night, I really don't find that sort of thing interesting, I would much rather just get drunk with my mates.x


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Why are you against strip clubs, it is on ethical grounds or good old-fashioned jealousy?

    If you don't want him to go because you're jealous then, harsh as it sounds, you might need to be a bit more realistic. Sure he'll be looking at girls with no clothes on, but he can do that on his laptop (and very probably does). The girls won't be all wanting to jump him though, they'll flirt a little, take their knickers off and then go home to their own boyfriends at the end of the night. Date a stripper? He wishes. They're no danger at all, try and remember that.

    The only thing that would annoy me is spending all that money on something he can get for free at home, but if you don't have joint finances and he's treating you to lots of lovely things too then even that's not an issue. It really only becomes an issue if he's blowing your money on strippers, or blowing all his money on strippers to the detriment of anything else.

    If your objections are moral, that's a bit different.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've changed my mind recently on this one and now think it's perfectly reasonable for you to want your fella to keep his eyes to himself, internet porn is quite different from strip clubs. Also don't see any contradiction between you being ok with going to a strip club as part of your mutual sexual play but not on his own. If you don't like it -- tell him. You're comfortable with what you're comfortable with and those should be the boundaries you both respect.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Depends where it is, I guess. If it's a normal strip club in the UK, then it wouldn't be an issue. If it's a strip club on a Bangkok holiday, I think you'd have legitimate concerns. I think men have more to worry about when women go to strip shows, tbh, because I think male strippers are far more likely to have sex with their customers. I've only ever been to two places where male strippers were there, and in both cases I've had a female friend get propositioned. The only way that's likely to happen with female strippers is if they're also prostitutes. So I think men are far less likely to get propositioned, and far more likely to be asked for money if they do.

    I don't get strip clubs though. You're essentially paying someone to be a cock tease. Where's the fun in that?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't get strip clubs though. You're essentially paying someone to be a cock tease. Where's the fun in that?

    I guess the woman getting paid to tease is having a lot of fun, its like being on a crap date but without feeling under the pressure to have a good night kiss at the end of it.
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