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Dihydrocodeine addiction

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru

I have read a few of the posts about this addiction so I thought that I would join the board and add my experiences.

I was diagnosed with gout throughout my body 3 years ago and prescribed the usual pain relief final ending up with morphine.

I was always sleeping with morphine so I asked my GP for a change, he prescribed me Didhydrocodeine. The pain as gone but I now take between 10 and 15 30mg every day along with 10x 15mg codeine phosphate 8x500mg paracetamol and 3.75mg zopoclone sleeping tablet plus other meds for my damaged stomach and my gout.

I am very depressed but physical pain free. I tried cold turkey on 2 ocassions succeeeding once but i was soon back on the tablets once more.

last month I made a decision to go and see my local drug link centre. They gave me the initial meeting and later today at 0945 I am going to see an expert drugs doctor with a view to trying methadone instead of dihydrocodeine.

I realise that methadone is also very addictive but I need to change something in my life so that I can begin going forward again. At 56 years of age my years are running out and I need a little more quality from life in which I am very happy to contribute to and have a great time once more. I might even think about working again if anyone will consider me????

I will keep you informed and any help and advice would really be appreciated

Kindest Regards



  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I find morphine highly sedative as well - in pill form at least - but methadone has a similar affect on me too, it really zones me out after a few hours from having kicked in.

    Tramadol is good for functioning normally but may not have the analgesic strength required. Buprenorphine is another I find doesn't leave you sedated or nodding off except in high doses but I'm unsure if its even prescribed as a painkiller. If either of those are possibilities, I would definitely try them.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Methadone addiction

    Dihydrocodeine addiction Topic in this forum is very impressive.

    Methadone addiction:rolleyes:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru

    hello again

    Glad you think so, I am still struggling but succeeding very slowly. I am in fact now down to x2 30mg tablets a day, down from 18 per day approx 2 years ago.

    At the moment going through the stomach cramps, back ache and loose bowels. Since reducing my memory as returned,eyesight improved, concentration and motivation returned. It really is worth sticking to it, I also believe that for me alcohol will play a very tiny part in my future life.

    This may sound strange but I am now pleased that I have experienced using DHC because the experiences have taught me so much about myself and I have met many remarkable individuals.

    good luck to all

  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
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