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i have a massive....ganglion!!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
a few months ago this lump seemed to appear on my hand/wrist border, almost overnight.

It didnt hurt and I looked on the internet and it seemed to be a ganglion, which is a build up of synovial fluid and nothing to worry about. So i forgot about it. I had a holiday from work and it actually almost disappeared, so yay i thought

Anyway its appeared again, bigger than ever and now it seems to have a smaller twin just next to it.

Im pretty sure it is one of these ganglion things, and im not at all worried about it, but sometimes my wrist aches a little, it makes my wrist look really wierd, and it also sits in the position where i like to have my watch face sit, which means i can no longer wear a watch, which is annoying.

Therefore I would like it to go (even though i'd secretly miss it a little), i dont want to bash it with a bible but i have heard they can be surgically removed.

I just wondered if anyone else has a similar ganglion experience, or has had them removed or anything?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hello, you appear to have stolen my wrist. Minus the extra lump bit, eep!

    How big is it? If it's not big enough they won't do anything to it. First of all you can try and get it drained, which hurts for a bit but can reduce it enough that it's live with-able.

    Also consider someone whacking it for you. I haven't done the actual whacking thing, but I did have it burst when ex-Boy got annoyed with me and pushed my hand away. It hurt like hell (I have weak tissue there which is why I have the ganglion in the first place, but it hurts like fuck, especially when I bend my hand backwards, and most especially when that is forceful and unexpected), but it worked.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hrmmm yeh mine hurts when i bend my wrist back.

    I have a really physical job and i notice it aches during the evening after a days work

    Im too scared to get anyone to hit it. plus it sort of risks damaging my actual hand/wrist, which is extremely feeble and skinny!

    maybe a trip to the doctor to see about draining it then!

    ETA: hard to explain the size of it, I suppose with its twin they are like a kidney bean
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blah wrote: »
    hrmmm yeh mine hurts when i bend my wrist back.

    I have a really physical job and i notice it aches during the evening after a days work

    Im too scared to get anyone to hit it. plus it sort of risks damaging my actual hand/wrist, which is extremely feeble and skinny!

    maybe a trip to the doctor to see about draining it then!

    ETA: hard to explain the size of it, I suppose with its twin they are like a kidney bean

    I think that might be a little small for surgical removal. Mine is about an inch or so across, but it's not very raised (you can't see it unless I bend my hand forwards), and they wouldn't do anything to it.

    Bear in mind that with draining it will probably come back (mine did), but I did find that it helped with the pain. My wrist tends to ache after I've been doing very hands-on things (it hates me knitting, for example), so I'm not surprised yours hurts :(. They might do a bit more to it since it interferes with your work, though.
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,287 Skive's The Limit
    My sis had one for years that used to hurt her when she bent her wrist.

    The doctor sorted by hitting it with a Bible. Jesus saved her.
    Weekender Offender 
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