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Anyone want to talk?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hey, I'm feeling really down at the moment because my two best friends are depressed. I have other of friends but these are they only two I can talk to.

One of my friends hates me at the moment and things haven't been going right for a while. She's been self harming for years, and its finally taken it's toll on our friendship. We had this huge argument on Sunday and things got so bad that she started cutting herself and threatening to commit suicide. So after talking her out of it, we had this big argument about all the things that had gone wrong in our friendship and now we aren't speaking

My other best friend, well, she's the only one there for me but are friendship is far from good. And a few hours ago she told me that she was depressed and then said, 'Bye' so i rung her and asked her what was wrong and she said 'nothing' and wouldnt say anything then she hung up on me. I texted her a few times but she didnt reply then she came on facebook and said for me to read her blog, so i did, and it said that she was down and why hadn't her friends helped? so i said that I had tried this morning and she just said 'Bye' again.

I have my own problems to deal with and I have nobody to talk to.. so what should I do? Nobody ever asks me how I am, and my best friends aren't really my best friends as they don't ever ask me how i am, it's always about them. I don't want to be melodramatic, so I always try to make them feel better. But sometimes you just need to talk to somebody, anybody.


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Perhaps for the first friend, a break will do you good. I was in that situation last year. Whilst at the time I hated him for what he'd done, (he'd admitted amongst other things, that he'd contacted my dad and wanted to talk to my parents - because he was so worried about me) I understand why he did it.

    Whilst going on a break wasn't at first, something I'd really wanted, it was, looking back, for the best. We're happy now and I'm not so clingy.

    Sometimes, you have to put yourself first. You can't please everyone all the time.
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