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Why Do I Like To Be Alone?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
I'm hoping someone can help me.

Why do I like to spend most of my time on my own? I'm fine during college hours, but I much prefer lesson time to break times. Once college ends all I want to do is spend time on my computer or read alone in my room.
This is goingto sound mean but I don't like to communicate with people from college outside of college time. (It has nothing to do with the people it's just the way I am)
I've read how many people who like to spend time on their own enjoy using social networking sites as a way to communicate because it allows them only to reveal what they want to say. I however find them terrifying. Everything is happening all at once and there are so many people. Yet if you're not on Facebook then there must be something wrong with you is what I'm told.
Once I've been in a social situation, be this in person or online, I find myself tired because I'm trying to deal with everything at once.
Does anyone have any ideas about what's wrong with me / what I should do? :confused:


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hello pixiedinogirl,

    Welcome to Thesite's boards! This is a great place to come for advice, chat, rant and explore feelings. You can say as much or as little as you want and all in your own time. Sound's like you are quite worried about spending time alone and not always wanting to socialise - virtually or physically. Everybody is different and it takes all sorts to make the world turn and be an interesting place to be.

    Some people do enjoy their own company, and there is nothing wrong with that. I suppose it's how you feel when you are alone. Are you happy to be alone, or ar you wishing you were with people? When you are alone, do you have distressing thoughts?

    Social networking also isn't for everyone, and plenty of people do not bother with it, so again - if it's not something you are interested in - then that's fine.

    You have to do what makes you feel happy in life and feel comfortable with the decisons you make about how you want to live your life. It all comes down to how you feel, if being alone makes you feel bad and lonely then you may need to explore this more...

    Take care and keep posting :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Everyone is different: Some people seem to love being around other people and struggle if no one is there. Others love their own company and don't like social situations so much. I guess a lot of people are somewhere in the middle.

    The fact that you enjoy your own company is fine- you see people at college all day and so in the evenings you like to be alone... I don't see any problem with this, unless it is making you feel lonely?

    Just enjoy the time you have in the evenings, and don't worry about not being on facebook, whilst a lot of people have profiles, a lot of people don't!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm hoping someone can help me.

    Why do I like to spend most of my time on my own? I'm fine during college hours, but I much prefer lesson time to break times. Once college ends all I want to do is spend time on my computer or read alone in my room.
    This is goingto sound mean but I don't like to communicate with people from college outside of college time. (It has nothing to do with the people it's just the way I am)
    I've read how many people who like to spend time on their own enjoy using social networking sites as a way to communicate because it allows them only to reveal what they want to say. I however find them terrifying. Everything is happening all at once and there are so many people. Yet if you're not on Facebook then there must be something wrong with you is what I'm told.
    Once I've been in a social situation, be this in person or online, I find myself tired because I'm trying to deal with everything at once.
    Does anyone have any ideas about what's wrong with me / what I should do? :confused:

    Being overawed by social situations is a sign you're introverted, maybe you're a bit more introverted than most but there's nothing wrong with that.

    Some people are loners by nature, if you enjoy your own company then its all good so long as you don't fall into the trap of totally living life in your head. Once you get to know people you click with who aren't hyper-social you won't feel like this, you just need to strike a balance.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I agree, just do whatever makes you happy! If you dont wanna be on facebook then dont be, it doest make you weird or abnormal.

    Unless you're feeling lonely or want to be able to be around people but dont kow how to be then that would be something to look into more
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi all,
    I am new member here and I am here to makle some new and interesting friends.
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