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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

I have a visit tomorrow from a maintenance co my landlords sending round.

We have damp/mold in every room, once room is the worst, its really bad under the lenght of the window to the floor.

Other rooms just a few spots here and there.

The damp/mold part of the wall is wet to touch, someone told me that indicates it is damp?

The landlord is trying to angle that its all our fault for lack of air circulation/ventilation but the windows are opened during the day for a while.

What im asking is if anybody has any advice on my defence tomorrow for if they try and put the blame on us.

Cheers :thumb: :thumb:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You shouldn't have to keep your windows open to prevent damp :|
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    So when they tell me to open the windows, does that mean they think it is mold?

    Is mold prevented by fresh air circulation...

    If thats the case we will need to determine whether it is mold or damp and take it from there?

    Anyone had issues with this before:confused:

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    They just don't want to pay to fix it. But they'll pay in the long run when the house is inhabitable and falling to bits.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    I have a visit tomorrow from a maintenance co my landlords sending round.

    We have damp/mold in every room, once room is the worst, its really bad under the lenght of the window to the floor.

    Other rooms just a few spots here and there.

    The damp/mold part of the wall is wet to touch, someone told me that indicates it is damp?

    The landlord is trying to angle that its all our fault for lack of air circulation/ventilation but the windows are opened during the day for a while.

    What im asking is if anybody has any advice on my defence tomorrow for if they try and put the blame on us.

    Cheers :thumb: :thumb:

    poor air circulation can cause this, windows open will help but wont stop it. We have this in our flat too. breathing, showers and drying washing inside all put moisture in the air then when the warm moist air hits ur outside walls on the inside the cold wall and the warm moist air = condensation = mould and its nasty.

    its worse in the winter coz more windows closed. from my research the only way to stop it is if u deal with the cause of it and keep your windows open all the time. not practical. We are replastering the wall in the new year as this can help (if they are cracked) and lining with polystyrene. Dehumidifiers can help too but noone really wants their windows open in the winter.

    You don't really have a defence coz its just one of those things that will happen in the winter, its worse in older buildings due to lack of cavity wall insulation. If you can stop ur exterior wall getting so cold on the inside (ie replastering, polystyrene) it will help but it will wipe off pretty easily. Just hope ur landlord wasnt the dickhead mine was and hasn't painted everything in Matt paint that comes off as soon as you clean the walls.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey there :wave: I'm going to move this thread into the Home, Law and Money forum :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Jo7 wrote: »
    Hey there :wave: I'm going to move this thread into the Home, Law and Money forum :)

    Right you are :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey there,

    Damp - whatever the cause - is always an unwelcome guest in any house - so understandably you are concerned about this and want to get rid of it.

    I think nicebutdim23 is spot on about how poor air circulation can cause damp.
    poor air circulation can cause this, windows open will help but wont stop it. We have this in our flat too. breathing, showers and drying washing inside all put moisture in the air then when the warm moist air hits ur outside walls on the inside the cold wall and the warm moist air = condensation = mould and its nasty.

    The issue with damp and who is liable for it (in terms of a landlord and tenant relationships) depends on the cause of the damp. If the damp is caused by disrepair then your landlord will be responsible. If it's just because the building is old or you as a tenant have not kept it ventilated then it will not be the responsibility of the landlord.

    The diagnosis was given to you by your landlords maintenance company. You may like to get your own independent inspection to find out the cause of the damp. If you cannot afford to do so, you may be able to get help from the Environmental Health Officer at your local council.

    You may also like to read Shelter's guide to Getting Repairs Done for more information.

    Just remember that not all causes of damp will be the responsibility of your landlord (unfortunately).

    Hope this helps.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey, just to say they visited last Friday and found a leak under the house, theres a large void under the house, perhaps an old celler, i never knew, but some pipework under there was leaking and this was causing the damp, the landlord is sending the insurance guys round to see if they will cover it, the moisture is i guess making its way up the wall cavitys?

    We havent been helping by not releasing all the steam from the bathroom after showers and baths and drying the clothes indoors doesnt help but we have no other choice with the clothes thing, at least were not being held responsible and ive learned a thing or two about damp/mold/crap

    Cheers :thumb:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Glad you got to the bottom of the cause of the damp and that your landlord is doing something about it.

    Happy holidays :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    I have a visit tomorrow from a maintenance co my landlords sending round.

    We have damp/mold in every room, once room is the worst, its really bad under the lenght of the window to the floor.

    Other rooms just a few spots here and there.

    The damp/mold part of the wall is wet to touch, someone told me that indicates it is damp?

    The landlord is trying to angle that its all our fault for lack of air circulation/ventilation but the windows are opened during the day for a while.

    What im asking is if anybody has any advice on my defence tomorrow for if they try and put the blame on us.

    Cheers :thumb: :thumb:

    Yes i know how you feel as we have major damp in our batroom as there is no ventilation or windows in there, also the house is faling apart with loads of problems including big cracks in the walls, and is not safe to live here and the house in unsuitbale for my disabilty and as i have mutiple medical conditions, the house is putting my health and life at risk. But the landlord dont care about the house one bit and it has been like it for years, he would rather see his tenants suffer, and only cares about his money like is always asking for rent before we even get it from council, it is shared house and he is not licenced and has too many people living here. I cant move so have no choice but to stay here, I am making sure i report him for sticking to his responbilties of a landord and breaking the law and a inspector from council coming around on the 10th to see the damang, as i want the house sorted and done up and i need my adaptions
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