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Am I being Screwed? (Pay)

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
A bit of background first! Been at my place of work since I was 18, started right at the bottom and as such started right at the bottom of the payscale, working in a team of 6 people.

I'm now 24 and working in the same department, which now has only 3 people in it, both of whom are above me. Despite this I do have a lot more responsibility and a qualification in my field.

I'm now paid 50% more than I was when i started after receiving a small rise earlier in the year. The two people above me earn more than i do - fair enough.

Here comes the BUT. Both of the people above me have now gone on maternity leave and they have employed someone on a 6 month contract as cover to "help me out"

During this 6 month period I have been been given most of the important roles previously done by the person above me. Including inputting the salaries, and when doing it last month I couldn't help but notice that the new woman is earning easily more than I am.

This seems incredibly unfair to me, almost like I have been given the jobs of my superior but she has been given the salary that goes with them. When there's a problem, people come to me, I am the "senior" person for the next 6 months.

So why is she earning more than me? Is it because she's a temp? or just because she asked for that amount?

Do I have the right to complain bearing in mind I got a rise just 6 months ago? I'm not even sure who I would complain to as my immediate bosses are both away for the next 6 months.

The whole thing has demotivated me, my efforts are basically not being rewarded! :banghead:

p.s before anyone says it, i am looking for a new job, but as i'm sure people are aware it's slim pickings at the moment!


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Do you know what qualifications she has or her previous skills?

    Also be weary about complaining in regards to pay matters, as they could pull the "why were you looking at salary stuff"?

    If its salary then surely it should be the same each month, and wouldnt warrant you having to delve that deep to input it, unless things like time off had to be taken into account.

    Im sure someone with better and more extensive advice will be along to help you out, but just be careful.

    If you are planning on leaving soon, why rock the boat? Afterall you might have to prove you deserve the extra money, rather than just getting it because someone else is, im not saying you couldnt, but it is a bit of a minefield.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    G-Raffe wrote: »
    Do you know what qualifications she has or her previous skills?

    Also be weary about complaining in regards to pay matters, as they could pull the "why were you looking at salary stuff"?

    If its salary then surely it should be the same each month, and wouldnt warrant you having to delve that deep to input it, unless things like time off had to be taken into account.

    Im sure someone with better and more extensive advice will be along to help you out, but just be careful.

    If you are planning on leaving soon, why rock the boat? Afterall you might have to prove you deserve the extra money, rather than just getting it because someone else is, im not saying you couldnt, but it is a bit of a minefield.

    Thanks for your reply

    I was looking at salary stuff because it's now my job to pay the staff....but i am well aware that had that role not been given to me then i would probably have never known this!

    I understand it's a tricky one (kind of why i asked for advice). I could list my new responsibilities and prove i deserve the extra money if i had to (but i wouldn't be comfortable doing so and actually feel i shouldn't have to)

    She does have good experience, in fact more than me, but i suppose my argument would be that if she is so much better than me then why give me all of the important jobs and essentially have her "supporting me" for the next 6 months? All I really want is for the pay we each receive to match the roles we have in the department.....i think that's fair...

    You might have a point about just leaving it and seeking an alternative job. After 6 years I think it's time to move on anyway...
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well they could have just given none of the extra responsibilities to her, and left you as you are, I see it that they are giving you extra experience and responsibility.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Companies pay as little as they think they can get away with.

    Put your duties on a CV, and apply for another job. If you're worth more you'll be offered it, if your company thinks you're worth it they may offer more to keep you.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Maybe they have to pay the Temp slightly more than the going rate to attract someone to the position and make it worth their while taking a short term contract.
    Perhaps your employer see's it as a good deal as they have replaced your two collegues with just on temp.
    If i was you i would be inclinded to put my head down and carry on for the next 6 months at least, you never know one or even both of your collegues may not return at all.
    As you have been trusted with the extra responsibilites you must be valued by your employer perhaps the next round of pay rises may bring good news.
    I don't think you should get into the habit of comparing yourself to otheres though, i believe that hard work and loyalty will be noticed and rewarded but nothing happens overnight.
    Good luck
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you want a bigger pay rise then you need some leverage, e.g. another job offer on the table.

    It's not unusual for people who have been at the same place for a while to be earning less than people who come in later, because incremental pay increases are generally below market increases.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey there,

    Thanks for posting your concerns - it seems like you in a tricky situation right now.

    I think Louisek's advice is sound; your hard work now may pay off later as a bonus or pay rise.
    Louisek wrote: »
    If i was you i would be inclinded to put my head down and carry on for the next 6 months at least, you never know one or even both of your collegues may not return at all.
    As you have been trusted with the extra responsibilites you must be valued by your employer perhaps the next round of pay rises may bring good news.
    I don't think you should get into the habit of comparing yourself to otheres though, i believe that hard work and loyalty will be noticed and rewarded but nothing happens overnight.
    Good luck

    However, you may still wish to raise your concerns with your employer now. Although your direct bosses are on maternity leave, you could try contacting someone else further up in the management chain. You could consider asking them for a pay increase during the time you have the increased responsibility, with a mind to decrease your salary again when this ends.

    It is hard to determine when to speak up about these things and there is no right or wrong answer really. It all depends on how you feel and what rewards you would like to see for your hard work.

    If discussions do not go as planned or you just wanted some more advice, you could try the ACAS website. They are an organisation who promote good employment relations and they have a lot of useful information on their website. You can also call their helpline on 08457 47 47 47 which provides ''clear, confidential, independent and impartial advice to assist the caller in resolving issues in the workplace''.

    I hope this helps.

    Let us know how you get on.

  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi guys,

    I basically made my point to management that I was being paid junior persons money to do a senior persons job and they gave me a pretty substantial pay rise until Christmas and told me that they would review my role/salary again in January when my boss returns from Maternity leave.

    Had a meeting with the big boss today and he told me he is very pleased with the job I'm doing so hopefully if I do a good job between now and Christmas my salary will go up permanently...

    Either way my wages go in tomorrow and they will be about 25% higher than last month so I'll settle for that for now :d

    Thanks for the advice guys
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru

    I'm glad that things went well for you.
    Just goes to show that you only get what you ask for.

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