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Children's Commissioner Advisory Group (8-18 or 8-21 in some circumstances)

Olly_BOlly_B Posts: 222 Trailblazer
Join the Children’s Commissioner’s Children and Young People Advisory Group

The Office of the Children’s Commissioner and the Diana Award are proud to announce a collaboration to set up a Children and Young People Advisory Group for England. The Children's Commissioner, Maggie Atkinson, makes sure that adults in charge listen to young people’s views. The Diana Award, on behalf of the Children’s Commissioner are looking to recruit eager young people to advise the Children’s Commissioner and her Office.

We have eighteen places to fill from across England with applications open to any enthusiastic advocates aged 8-18 years (up to 21 for those in care or with learning disabilities), who are keen to represent the voice of young people.

They will meet with Maggie Atkinson five times a year to:
  • Advise and provide clarity and direction on specific areas of her work
  • Act as regional champions for the Children’s Commissioner by bringing her the views of children and young people from local areas

In return, Advisory Group members will get:
  • The opportunity to contribute to policies and decisions that affect the lives of all children
  • Training in public speaking, media and research skills whilst gaining professional experience in influencing the lives of others
  • The chance to meet other amazing children and young people from across the country
  • The opportunity to meet with the Commissioner at her London-based office with travel expenses paid

To apply, tell us why you want to be a part of this amazing new opportunity and also how you can contribute to the Advisory Group. Send us pictures (jpeg format), posters or paintings, video clips (in a AVI, MAV, MPEG format), voice pops or a write up about yourself and what you will bring to this board along with details of your name, school/ college, age and address.

Send all your materials to: saima.tarapdar@diana-award.org.uk

Applications close at 5pm on the 31st August.
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