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I'm scared of myself

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

Yesterday I had a load of shit with my ex blethering on about this bloke at her work. She says he is the nicest male she has ever met and she likes him a lot and she thinks she likes him in that way, she put in a text "I like him a lot so go and find someone else its over Ann".

Today I just feel so bad, my asthma is playing up and I don't see the point in doing anything, all I'm doing is crying. I've been depressed for a while but not as bad as this. I just don't see the point in going on. Last night I deliberately took more of my asthma inhalor than I'm supposed to and when it started making me feel funny I didn't panic or anything I just felt strangly calm. Today I feel shaky and ill and my heart is beating too fast (side effects of the inhalor).

I'm crying as I write this I don't seem to do anything but cry anymore. I keep thinking it'd be so easy to go and take another overdose then I'd be out of all this pain. Thats why I'm scared of myself. I don't have many mates and most of them live away from here. My ex was my best mate but everytime i talk to her i feel so shit.

I just can't cope anymore


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    You need to talk to someone you can trust. Think about getting in touch with your GP and arranging some counselling.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: I'm scared of myself
    Originally posted by AnnMarie

    Yesterday I had a load of shit with my ex blethering on about this bloke at her work. She says he is the nicest male she has ever met and she likes him a lot and she thinks she likes him in that way, she put in a text "I like him a lot so go and find someone else its over Ann".

    Today I just feel so bad, my asthma is playing up and I don't see the point in doing anything, all I'm doing is crying. I've been depressed for a while but not as bad as this. I just don't see the point in going on. Last night I deliberately took more of my asthma inhalor than I'm supposed to and when it started making me feel funny I didn't panic or anything I just felt strangly calm. Today I feel shaky and ill and my heart is beating too fast (side effects of the inhalor).

    I'm crying as I write this I don't seem to do anything but cry anymore. I keep thinking it'd be so easy to go and take another overdose then I'd be out of all this pain. Thats why I'm scared of myself. I don't have many mates and most of them live away from here. My ex was my best mate but everytime i talk to her i feel so shit.

    I just can't cope anymore

    My freind got into a state about splitting with his fiance a few monthes back, i assessed the situation and decided he needed a good old fashioned dose of fun :) A few saturday nights out on the piss seems to of pulled him round :) May I suggest you get together your mates and have a bloody good day out ? would help no end :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think that what ebb suggested is a good idea. we all have our good and bad patches, and unfortunately your having a major bad patch at the moment, but it wont stay like this forever. at the time you feel like you wanna just end it all but in the end its just not worth it. You can do much better than someone who dumps you in such a way, so consider her doing you a favour cos you can find yourself someone decent now. i felt like this a few weeks back and thought about taking an overdose and stuff but then i figured that lifes for living and you shouldnt let other fuckers stand in your way. be proud of who you are and who you can be and things will definately be better. yeah, you feel like shit now but believe me things wil sort themselves out, they always do.

    hope you feel better soon:)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    And dont kill urself as i said in a couple other posts

    Suicide is PERMANANT solution to a TEMPORARY problem.

    Things will get better
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by MattBomb
    And dont kill urself as i said in a couple other posts

    Suicide is PERMANANT solution to a TEMPORARY problem.

    Things will get better

    A little blunt... :rolleyes:

    Anyway, if a friend told you something similar to what you've told us, about the ex thingy... what would you say?

    "You deserve better than that"

    Well, that's what I'd say. And as Angel said, she's doing you a favour, I'm sure there are plenty of wonderful men and women about... well I reckon everyone's got something beautiful about them... but I'm wierd :p

    And Ebb is dead right about going out and having some fun. I reckon you deserve it and it'll take your mind off the situation. It works for me, you know, just spoil yourself for this occasion and see how it helps.
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