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Really low just now

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Right now I'm feeling so pushed out by my family. My brother is friends with a guy I used to be friends with all the way from primary school until a year and a half ago when he wanted our relationship to go further. When I refused he told his girlfriend at the time that I'd got him drunk so he'd have sex with me and gave her my number. She started spamming me with threatening txts and getting her friends to call me at all times of the day and night.

When that eventually started to fizzle out this guy then went to a guy I had a thing with a few years ago, and told his girlfriend I'd been going around saying me and her boyfriend were sleeping together, which had her wanting to beat me up until her boyfriend calmed her down and told her to leave it.

He'd also been telling some of my family that he had me wrapped round his finger. I don't get why my brother would want to be friends with this guy still, he says his friend said it all for a joke. Now my mum is letting this guy stay over a few days at a time and I really don't feel comfortable in my own home anymore. When I try tell my mum this she just says I'm trying to be a dictator and can't control who my brother sees or who is allowed in.

This is all because my brother has problems of his own and has ended up leaving school with no qualifications, my mum is doing anything to try and please him. Only when I had depression when I was 14/15 my mum now says I was just making it up back then which really hurts. She says we all need to help him but he's made it clear he doesn't want help and I'm really angry cos I feel like I need and want help getting my life together.

I was bullied at school and I'm really shy around people even now at 19. It knocked me even more when I wasn't kept on at my first job after the trial period.. I got told I was too scared of customers and always looked terrified when they came up to me. At the only other job I've had I lasted 2 weeks before I left. It felt to me like I had to leave before I faced the humiliation of getting sacked again, and I felt even more scared of customers that time that with my first job. Now I feel terrified at the though of working with customers ever again and I'll admit I haven't been looking for a job just because of that..

I feel like I'm stuck and cry loads about all of this. I feel so hurt by my family accepting this guy into our house like nothing happened that I just want to leave and sever ties but financially I know I can't. My boyfriend tries to help but I don't think he really knows how to. Since I've came off the BCP I've felt a little better but I'm still so low most days..

I just really need to let this all off my chest, I don't know what I'm expecting to hear back :/ Sorry for wall-of-text


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    just wanted to say, that's really shit :(

    if i was in your situation i would have hoped that my bro and family would be a little more supportive but i guess if your bro has had problems of his own..

    i dont know if you think this is applicable to you but my thinking is that families and parents do fuck up. this guy that your bro is now friends with seems like a real scuzz bucket and he'll probably show his true colours soon. the only thing i can advise is just ignore him, if he has any sense he will leave you be. if he tries/says anything tell your family asap.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi Kalika,

    Just wondered how you were doing today? Seems there are quite a few things going on for you at the moment, but as you have said - you 'need and want help getting (your) life together.' It's great that you have come to Thesite for some support and to get this off your chest, there is lots of advice and help out there if you are willing to accept it, which it sound's like you are.

    Remember you can keep posting to explore what's going on and how you are feeling. Take care :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just been feeling so empty and hollow the last few days, had trouble sleeping too.

    As well as that I just got back from the vets today, my rabbit had to get put to sleep. She was just lieing on her side and bleeding a lot. Vet said she could feel a lump and it was either a tumor on her bladder or ovaries :/

    Was really horrible, there was so much blood coming out of her.. Just glad she's not suffering any more.

    Really doesn't help how I feel though
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