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How do you..

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
..make an omelette?! Sounds so simple but I haven't got a clue how you do it and I really fancy one :impissed:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    melt butter/heat oil in a frying pan.
    beat eggs in a jug or bowl with a fork until it's all roughly the same colour, add milk to pad it out if you don't have enough eggs. 2 or 3 will be plenty if you arent having much filling. A good tip is not to add any salt until after the omelette is cooked, because its meant to break down the egg or something.
    filling - things like cheese and herbs you can just add into the egg mix and then into the pan all together, though if you feel like frying some onions or potatoes to put in it, fry those in your pan first then just stick the egg on top.
    turn the pan to a low heat and stick the egg mix in. you can give it an initial mix if you like to make sure any chunky filling is all coated, then don't touch it. I never even try to flip omelettes, I stick them under the grill after a few mins. Its cooked when you stick a knife in the middle and it comes out clean.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    2 or 3 eggs, well beaten. Don't put milk in as you'll get boiled omlette not fried omlette.

    VERY HOT PAN, so use oil not butter.

    Pour the eggs in. When the edges are cooked (about 45 seconds) draw a fish slice/slotted spoon whatever you use for frying, from one side of the pan to the other going thru the middle of the omlette, tipping up slightly until all the raw egg goes onto the space you've just made.

    Put your filling in. When it's cooked enough to your liking fold one third of it over, then those 2 thirds over the last third.

    You want you're omlette slightyly undercooked, as it'll carry on cooking for a while after it's out the pan.

    This wont be some flat pancake omlette but lighty, fluffy and with some body.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've never used butter or oil in the pan, just a non stick pan works fine for me.

    I do 3 eggs, a bit of milk, wisk. Pour in pan, when it looks like its solid enough to flip, then do so. Cook the other side. Put in your toppings on half, fold over. Take off stove. Sprinkle cheese on top, cover to let the cheese melt.

    My boyfriend makes them where you mix together the eggs, milk as well as the toppings then just cook it so it looks something like http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_2XqnTBm7x8U/SdtslFLZxAI/AAAAAAAAA8M/YKhhePyQ5vU/s400/South+Indian+Omelette.jpg I think it looks gross and doesn't taste as good :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    my name wrote: »
    My boyfriend makes them where you mix together the eggs, milk as well as the toppings then just cook it so it looks something like http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_2XqnTBm7x8U/SdtslFLZxAI/AAAAAAAAA8M/YKhhePyQ5vU/s400/South+Indian+Omelette.jpg I think it looks gross and doesn't taste as good :p

    I do it your way, and I think your way is gross *tongue poke* I hate the texture of the cheese in the middle, all slimey...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i did just have one of those though it was awesome i take it back
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Have you tried a souffle omlette, as you don't like slimy cheese ?

    You need a grill that you can fit a frying pan under.

    You'll need 2 eggs, a little butter/oil, some strong cheese like parmesan/cheddar grated.

    Put the grill on so it's nice and hot.

    Seperate the eggs (crack them into a saucer, put an egg cup over the yolk and press down, then tip the white into a SCRUPULOUSLY clean bowl). Don't get any yolk in the white.

    Beat the 2 yolks together with pepper and if you want fresh herbs and the grated cheese

    Beat the egg whites, starting slowly first then building up speed until they form 'stiff peaks'. Thats when if you take the whisk out and form a peak of egg white it holds it's shape and doesn't flop over - well maybe just the tip will.

    Put the beaten yolk mixture into the egg whites and FOLD with a METAL spoon.

    Poor into a hot frying pan that's had the oil put in and fry for a couple of minutes or so. Enough so that you can lift it up a bit with out it braking appart.

    DON'T TURN IT OVER. Put a little cheese on the top and place under the hot grill until it's browned to your liking.

    A 2 egg souffle omlette is big :) So onit's own for one, or a bit of salad and it'll feed 2 easily.
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