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Annaarrr!!Annaarrr!! Posts: 876 Part of The Mix Family
Bonjour, (:

I was just wondering whether anyone knew about some ways to ignore hunger pangs, I asked in a chat and got some good feedback but wanted a wider view on things (:

Atm, I'll just drink when I get them, but that's normally coffee so i'm still getting calories :/ or i'll go upstairs and stress about it. It's starting to make me feel crapper than usual, and I'm smoking to stop the hunger, but when I get home they just get bad cos i can't smoke here.

I feel fat right now, which is why I'm posting this, I've had about four coffees today, some shortbread (nooo!!! :banghead: :( ), an apple, and i gave in when i came home and had a cookie and a tortilla with chocolate spread. silly, silly, silly and i feel mahoosive and extremely guilty. And im not thin or anything, i have a belly on me, it's nowhere near flat, i dont really want a flat belly, just not a fat one like i have now.

I don't know how much of this made sense and it looks quite long so thank you for reading it if you did!! Pleeease reply? any kind of feedback is welcomed, nasty or nice (:

Annaarrr x


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I can't advise you on how not to eat when you haven't eaten enough for the day. I would say have an apple and a bowl of soup, then tuck yourself in to bed with comfy jim jams on and a hot chocolate.

    What else is going on in your life, good things, not so good things?

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    are you eating regular meals? including brekkie?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    all of that stuff you just listed is snacky and wont fill you up at all, is that all you had all day? you'd be so much better off with a decent breakfast, lunch and tea, that should fill you up enough so you arent getting hunger pangs and if you do get them later then fruits a good idea to snack on. basically i feel like if you're getting such bad hunger pangs, you arent eating enough. x
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    Annaarrr!!Annaarrr!! Posts: 876 Part of The Mix Family
    katralla wrote: »
    I can't advise you on how not to eat when you haven't eaten enough for the day. I would say have an apple and a bowl of soup, then tuck yourself in to bed with comfy jim jams on and a hot chocolate.

    What else is going on in your life, good things, not so good things?


    I guess I have a good life, i don't enjoy it though. People say I'm lucky, maybe I'm just ungrateful? I'm not sure.

    I don't like eating or drinking just before i go to bed cos apparently it's not good for weightloss or something? I'm kind of looking for ways without eating or drinking things, soup sounds yummy though :P x
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    Annaarrr!!Annaarrr!! Posts: 876 Part of The Mix Family
    are you eating regular meals? including brekkie?

    Today I skipped all meals and snacked a bit. Weekdays i skip lunch and try not to eat except for brekkie and dinner unless i have an apple or a pear (: x
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    Annaarrr!!Annaarrr!! Posts: 876 Part of The Mix Family
    all of that stuff you just listed is snacky and wont fill you up at all, is that all you had all day? you'd be so much better off with a decent breakfast, lunch and tea, that should fill you up enough so you arent getting hunger pangs and if you do get them later then fruits a good idea to snack on. basically i feel like if you're getting such bad hunger pangs, you arent eating enough. x

    I think that's all I've had, it's all i can remember. I find it hard to eat things if i don't know the calorie content like when i have dinner, i feel worse if i know there's a lot and i have to eat it. I do feel hungry but mahoosively bloated and big at the same time :banghead: =/
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Annaarrr!! wrote: »
    Today I skipped all meals and snacked a bit. Weekdays i skip lunch and try not to eat except for brekkie and dinner unless i have an apple or a pear (: x

    it really isnt good to skip meals, i know it can be tempting especially if you are trying to lose weight but think what you're putting your body through. this is what is causing these hungar pains. it seems like you're trying to eat healthily already so couldnt you just make your meals healthier? there are loads of people on here who could advise you about healthy eating that wont come at a cost to your body.
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    Annaarrr!!Annaarrr!! Posts: 876 Part of The Mix Family
    it really isnt good to skip meals, i know it can be tempting especially if you are trying to lose weight but think what you're putting your body through. this is what is causing these hungar pains. it seems like you're trying to eat healthily already so couldnt you just make your meals healthier? there are loads of people on here who could advise you about healthy eating that wont come at a cost to your body.

    I don't want my parents going on even more than they do, if they notice a change in my diet i'd be in trouble :impissed: I just dont want to look in my mirror and go 'eugh' anymore. :banghead:
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    Annaarrr!!Annaarrr!! Posts: 876 Part of The Mix Family
    geneve wrote: »
    If you want to get rid of your belly you have to actually exercise. And that's going to make you hungry, so do some running and eat properly, chocolate and sugary food isn't going to help. Eating whole wheats and fibre will help you cut down the amount of calories you take in without making you hungry. Skipping meals only makes you hungrier and more likely to got nuts and eat a load of crap, as you are doing!

    I do four hours of dancing a week, one hour of horse riding, 2 hours of P.E at school, i walk home maybe twice a week, that takes me about an hour, i'm not sure if that's enough though? I've been thinking of joining a gym, but whenever i arrange to go people pull out so i can't :/
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know it has had bad press, but (at least) have a look at the new Atkins diet. Yes, you cut down/out on carbs initially (depending how much weight you really need to lose), but the 'fatty' foods they recommend really do put a stop to cravings. Get the 'new' book, published 2009, as opposed to the old version. The diet is much improved since it was first introduced, you can eat loads and it is quite easy to follow without looking too freakish.
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    Annaarrr!!Annaarrr!! Posts: 876 Part of The Mix Family
    I know it has had bad press, but (at least) have a look at the new Atkins diet. Yes, you cut down/out on carbs initially (depending how much weight you really need to lose), but the 'fatty' foods they recommend really do put a stop to cravings. Get the 'new' book, published 2009, as opposed to the old version. The diet is much improved since it was first introduced, you can eat loads and it is quite easy to follow without looking too freakish.

    I've had a look through lots of diet plans and stuff but it's my parents who put the food in front of me and i don't really have a choice. I'll try and weigh myself and get my bmi measured, maybe it would be easier for people to suggest certain things (: And i'll go into a book store next time i go to town and find the book and have a look through, thankk you (::thumb:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think it's probably better to start getting into a regualr pattern of eating appropriate meals at the right time, listening to your body and responding to hunger BEFORE you try to lose weight. Otherwise, all I can see is you descending deeper down the slippery raod of disordered eating -is that what you want? Seriously ask yourself that. Do you want to be healthy?

    Once you have meals in a regular pattern, you can reduce portion sizes slightly to lose weight. I think you need ot get to grips with eating those 'proper' meals first though.

    Just because you have a nice life on the surface, it doesn't mean you can't have other problems. Having problems that you don't deal with can translate into fixating on your body and weight. Perhpas you are frustrated or bored with life a little?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    katralla wrote: »
    I think it's probably better to start getting into a regualr pattern of eating appropriate meals at the right time, listening to your body and responding to hunger BEFORE you try to lose weight. Otherwise, all I can see is you descending deeper down the slippery raod of disordered eating -is that what you want? Seriously ask yourself that. Do you want to be healthy?

    Once you have meals in a regular pattern, you can reduce portion sizes slightly to lose weight. I think you need ot get to grips with eating those 'proper' meals first though.

    Just because you have a nice life on the surface, it doesn't mean you can't have other problems. Having problems that you don't deal with can translate into fixating on your body and weight. Perhpas you are frustrated or bored with life a little?

    ^^ really good advice. i hope things work out annarr
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    katralla wrote: »
    I think it's probably better to start getting into a regualr pattern of eating appropriate meals at the right time, listening to your body and responding to hunger BEFORE you try to lose weight. Otherwise, all I can see is you descending deeper down the slippery raod of disordered eating -is that what you want? Seriously ask yourself that. Do you want to be healthy?

    Once you have meals in a regular pattern, you can reduce portion sizes slightly to lose weight. I think you need ot get to grips with eating those 'proper' meals first though.

    Just because you have a nice life on the surface, it doesn't mean you can't have other problems. Having problems that you don't deal with can translate into fixating on your body and weight. Perhpas you are frustrated or bored with life a little?

    this. proper meals with adequate protein are better than lots of sugary snacks like shortbread and chocolate spread.. also if you are drinking coffee you are actually dehydrating your body rather than hydrating you body, and hunger pangs are also a symptom of dehydration. they feel exactly the same except most people recognise it as hunger rather than thirst. Water or weak squash if you really don't like water will help kill off hunger pangs, but better to get into a routine of breakfast lunch and dinner with fruit or veg as snacks.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    this. proper meals with adequate protein are better than lots of sugary snacks like shortbread and chocolate spread.. also if you are drinking coffee you are actually dehydrating your body rather than hydrating you body, and hunger pangs are also a symptom of dehydration. they feel exactly the same except most people recognise it as hunger rather than thirst. Water or weak squash if you really don't like water will help kill off hunger pangs, but better to get into a routine of breakfast lunch and dinner with fruit or veg as snacks.

    This is also good advice ... and not far off Atkins' philosophy.
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    Annaarrr!!Annaarrr!! Posts: 876 Part of The Mix Family
    katralla wrote: »
    I think it's probably better to start getting into a regualr pattern of eating appropriate meals at the right time, listening to your body and responding to hunger BEFORE you try to lose weight. Otherwise, all I can see is you descending deeper down the slippery raod of disordered eating -is that what you want? Seriously ask yourself that. Do you want to be healthy?

    Once you have meals in a regular pattern, you can reduce portion sizes slightly to lose weight. I think you need ot get to grips with eating those 'proper' meals first though.

    Just because you have a nice life on the surface, it doesn't mean you can't have other problems. Having problems that you don't deal with can translate into fixating on your body and weight. Perhpas you are frustrated or bored with life a little?

    The reason they're not regular is because I try to skip meals as much as i can cos I hate having the food in me. I've just eaten a small bowl of special K with no milk or anything and feel extremely bloated already. :banghead: I like eating i guess, i just don't like having it inside me and i don't like what it does to my body. I get to an ok size where im not far off what i want to be and i just blow up again. It only takes like one chocolate bar to do it.

    And i guess i could be bored. school's a massive struggle atm, and when im at home im constantly hiding things so it gets stressful =/

    Thank you so much for using your time for this :) xx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Annaarrr!! wrote: »
    I just dont want to look in my mirror and go 'eugh' anymore. :banghead:


    Seek help.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Annaarrr!! wrote: »
    The reason they're not regular is because I try to skip meals as much as i can cos I hate having the food in me. I've just eaten a small bowl of special K with no milk or anything and feel extremely bloated already. :banghead: I like eating i guess, i just don't like having it inside me and i don't like what it does to my body. I get to an ok size where im not far off what i want to be and i just blow up again. It only takes like one chocolate bar to do it.

    if you feel bloating is a severe physical problem then it could be something medical such as an allergy/intolerence causing it, in which case no amount of straving/healthy eating/quashing hunger pangs can solve it. genuine bloating can be a sympotom of certain medical conditions like IBS or coeliacs disease and won't disapear without dealing with the cause. i would advise you to do some research or seek medical advice.

    i also state genuine bloating because if you are having psychological reactions to eating, that is an entirely different kettle of fish and certainly your statement of "it only takes one chocolate bar to do it" would suggest either severe physical or psychological difficulties with something you are eating, or eating at all.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    from reading this i would go to the doctor because it does seem as though it could be the beginings of an eating disorder. if not then perhaps you could confide in a family member or a friend? either way it seems as though you need help in adjusting the way you view food and your own body image. i agree with whoever suggested exercise but before you do that you really need to be eating regular meals otherwise you will just collapse. your body needs its fuel to survive.
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    Annaarrr!!Annaarrr!! Posts: 876 Part of The Mix Family
    if you feel bloating is a severe physical problem then it could be something medical such as an allergy/intolerence causing it, in which case no amount of straving/healthy eating/quashing hunger pangs can solve it. genuine bloating can be a sympotom of certain medical conditions like IBS or coeliacs disease and won't disapear without dealing with the cause. i would advise you to do some research or seek medical advice.

    i also state genuine bloating because if you are having psychological reactions to eating, that is an entirely different kettle of fish and certainly your statement of "it only takes one chocolate bar to do it" would suggest either severe physical or psychological difficulties with something you are eating, or eating at all.

    Ok, maybe bloated was the wrong word, just feeling big i guess? like I'm just round, I'm not entirely sure :/ I kinda have this thing (i'm doing it on and off atm) and I'll just sit down with my hands on my belly and grab it and just pinch or pull it really hard, i don't even know why and sometimes it's automatic. Hmm :banghead:
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    Annaarrr!!Annaarrr!! Posts: 876 Part of The Mix Family
    from reading this i would go to the doctor because it does seem as though it could be the beginings of an eating disorder. if not then perhaps you could confide in a family member or a friend? either way it seems as though you need help in adjusting the way you view food and your own body image. i agree with whoever suggested exercise but before you do that you really need to be eating regular meals otherwise you will just collapse. your body needs its fuel to survive.

    I'm sure it's not that bad.. (:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Annaarrr!! wrote: »
    I'm sure it's not that bad.. (:

    Actually, I agree with Clementine and Nicebutdim. Your description of feeling bloated or 'big' after eating, coupled with your 'automatic' habit of squeezing your belly do sound like you might have a problem with your body image. Before doing any further research into diets, I would recommend you confide in someone about your weight and eating habits.
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    Annaarrr!!Annaarrr!! Posts: 876 Part of The Mix Family
    Had dinner about 2 hours ago.. I feel massive, and guilty and i don't want it inside me :banghead: :crying: i can feel myself getting bigger and bigger and it's horrible :crying:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    have you always felt this way about food?

    im just trying to get you to see (if you dont at all) that you connect food with body image and it seems to be having a damaging effect on you
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you're eating too little, your body could go in to survival mode and make it hard to burn off... It's all very well cutting back, but unless you're eating a balanced and good diet, your body won't want to get rid of your fat cells because in an evolutionary sense, it doesn't know when the next meal is coming.

    As has been mentioned, the bloaty/big feeling could also be due to an intolerance or it could be gas...

    As for the hunger, I eat a lot of salads, but choose to include vegetables and fruit which has a high water content. The water content makes you feel fuller... I also feel lighter after a vegetable based meal and less bloated.

    There are foods which make you full for longer and there are snacks and meals which taste good and don't weight you down in the tummy sense,

    I really would go down the route of eating a healthy and full diet. Think not only about your weight, but also your skin, your hair, your bones, your energy levels... Eating little affects your mood.

    For the record, I have started to work on my body shape too, since the first April. The exercise alone has made me feel a lot better about myself and I really enjoy cooking and eating lighter, healthier food. I have double the energy and my skin glows more. :)
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    Annaarrr!!Annaarrr!! Posts: 876 Part of The Mix Family
    have you always felt this way about food?

    im just trying to get you to see (if you dont at all) that you connect food with body image and it seems to be having a damaging effect on you

    i don't know :/ and damaging? i'm fine except for the huge belly that seems its ok to stay on my body and not pay rent or anything.:banghead:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Annaarrr!! wrote: »
    i don't know :/ and damaging? i'm fine except for the huge belly that seems its ok to stay on my body and not pay rent or anything.:banghead:
    See, that's the thing.

    You can't see the damage because you're unaware of your own issue. To the rest of us, it's pretty obvious that you have an unhealthy relationship with food and the fact that you can feel huge after one chocolate bar says a lot.

    Now, I know how it feels to look in the mirror and see HUGE, because I do, every day, but I know that I don't see myself the way others see me.

    Anyway, if you feel bloated, the best thing to do if you don't want to change how much you're eating, is to at least eat food that's less likely to bloat you. Try fruit and veg and drink plenty of water. That will stop the bloating and may lead to you eating a little more than you think is a lot right now.
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    Annaarrr!!Annaarrr!! Posts: 876 Part of The Mix Family
    i cba anymore, its just a case of getting rid of what i can, when i can. :banghead: :/
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Annaarrr!! wrote: »
    i cba anymore, its just a case of getting rid of what i can, when i can. :banghead: :/

    what do you mean? x
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    Annaarrr!!Annaarrr!! Posts: 876 Part of The Mix Family
    Any kind of food i have, throw it away or leave it and i wanted to throw up today when i got to school, cos i had milk on my cereal, and i felt fat.
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