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Post of the week

Emma_REmma_R Deactivated Posts: 50 Boards Initiate
Roll up, roll up! For it is post of the week time again.

The gloves were off this week for a heated debate on feminism sparked, funnily enough, by last week's post of the week. I wanted to nominate a couple of key players, Geneve and Jamelia. Partly for expressing themselves well, partly for the way they both dug in and held their ground but mostly because everyone behaved themselves and managed a proper arguement rather than playground fisticuffs. Of course I know who I agree with, but that's not the point - life would be boring if we were all wanna-be Emmeline Pankhursts, after all (not to mention safer, more dignified and generally better. Did I just say that?)

No doubt some of you are thoroughly bored of this whole topic. Well you know what to do - get posting your own nominations and shift the debate.
geneve wrote: »
I climb up mountains for fun but I don't stand and the top and point out to the guys that I do it with how hideous I look, just to prove that, yes, indeed I the one who looked hot in the pub last night, can also sweat and stink. Who cares? Even if they are impressed that a girl made it to the top I would rather that be a opinion of their own not something I have forced on them and insisted they be aware of.

From this thread: http://vbulletin.thesite.org/showthread.php?t=140710

jamelia wrote: »
Without women 'ranting' about things like that, you would have been married by 16 to some man your parents chose for you, who could beat you or rape you unreservedly, you would be unable to work, vote or own property, and by the time you were 40 you would have the body of an old woman, ravaged by the effects of multiple unwanted pregnancies.

Women threw themselves in front of horses and chained themselves to buildings so that you could enjoy the life you're living now.

From http://vbulletin.thesite.org/showthread.php?t=140835


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