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they finally know...

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
ARGHHHHHHHHH some anoying kid in my year went up to my sister today and told her i cut, how do i know this?
BECAUSE she asked me when i got in if it was the truth .. i was like gasp! i didnt know what to say so i like BURST into tears and told her EVERYTHING i feel releived that a familly member finally knows. i feel safer, but i dont know if i trust her not to tell my parents. if she tells them then my dad will go mental and threaten to send me to a therapist again which i think is a waste of time. i just want suport from someone to help me stop so i think my sister will be good for that and i hope she doesnt tell so that i dont have to worry my parents so yeaah, nothing really important but i felt in need of a rant xD


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Your mum and dad might be angry at first, but it's because they love you and care about you. I think you should tell them before someone else does. It will be hard, yeah I wont lie. It'll be a lot easier to write them a letter, and give it to them, instead of say it.

    You don't have to tell them, obviously, but I would reccomend it. That way you can get the support you want, and deserve.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey Alexandra.

    It is good that your sister finally knows in a way. and if she is supportive then that will make you feel like you're not alone and you can talk to her.

    Not everyone needs to know about what you do to get through. My dad doesnt know and neither does my sister. My mum is the only one who knows and that will stay that way. So don't feel like you need to tell your parents if you don't want too because that will put more pressure on you.

    Just keep going hun and I am glad you let it out on here :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think you should talk to your sister about how best to tell your parents. It will come across a lot better if she is there to back you up.
    You mention about not wanting to worry your parents, well if you hide this from them and they somehow find out anyway i'd imagine they will be a lot more worried about what else is going on that they dont know about and they would probably be thankful that you have a good enough relationship for you to be able to talk to them about this kind of thing.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi Alexandraahh,

    You've been given some great posts on here, but just to add - your sister may find what you have told her difficult to process, and she may need some support to help her deal with it. If she does speak to your parents, it might not be because she wants to break your trust, but because she needs some advice from someone she trusts. As has been suggested, perhaps talk to your sister about how you are both going to deal with the situation and how you will support each other.

    Good luck and take care - :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEK in school (probably shouldnt be on here xD) but my sister is taking me to talk to one of her friends today cause she used to cut untill she got help and so we're gunna talk and she's gunna see if she can help me, im kinda nervous but i know im taking a step in the right direction ! =D
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