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Social Anxiety

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hi My Names Rob

Im 22 and have had this since i left School at 15 due to getting Bullied.

Ive always been the quiet type and had few friends at school.
When i left school due to my experiences i lived an enclosed life, Hardly went out and did everything with my mum.
i was overweight and just a mess (16st)
in April last Year (2009) i decided Enough is Enough and went on a strict diet, to this day (Feb 2010) Ive lost 6 stone and Now weight in at just under 10 stone, I feel so much more confident with myself yet im still having problems. My family tell me that ive improved so much since a few years ago, i will go into shops but got to have someone with me, ive now managed to pluck the courage up to visit my GP, even tho in my head voices are telling me that im wasting there time its either that or a very Lonely Life.
Im 22 and i cant do the things that other Normal 22 years olds do.

- i cant go into shops
- i cant have a conversation with anyone
- i get very anxious if people try and talk to me
- i cant speak on the phone - not even with family
- my heart races when im with family out and about

Another thing is My mum has to do everything for me, and i really just want to give her a break.
I want to do something for her to say thanks for the help and support she has gave me but i think i need outside help
someone who dont know me and that can give there opinion not the opinion they think i want to hear.

i havent been diagnosed with Social aniexty disorder but ive read up about it and feel the symptoms are the same.

If anyone has anymore advice i will be ever so grateful.
in April im meeting 2 new friends i made on the internet who share a Keen hobby with me (Aviation Photography) and we are Hoping to go to Amsterdam so i would love to try and get my brain sorted out By then.

Do you think i will be wasting my GP'S time?
Hope someone can help me

im feeling very Low.



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hi buddy

    I'm going through a similar stage in my life although i think we're a bit different.

    I'm quite a confident person but i get very bad social anxiety at work, feel like im being judged. You know the symptoms

    Lump in throat/stammering

    Thats me whenever i have to speak to a superior or a good looking girl at work.

    I would strongly suggest you go for it and visit your gp, life's too short mate. You have far too much to give to the world to hold it all in, you deserve it to yourself.

    As my anxiety evidently isnt as bad as yours i havn't been to the docs yet, although i've read some material aswell. Cognitive threapy may be an option aswell.

    Your gp will fully understand what your going through , i'm planning on visiting her next week, i'll update here when i can.

    All the best:thumb:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thank's Very Much for your Reply :)

    Ok so yesterday was the GP visit and it feels good to of got so much of my chest.

    She has put me on Propranolol and i have to revisit her next week where i will be then Refered to CBT.

    Im now on the path to recovery but still got a long way to go.

    Apparently my Blood Pressure is Quite High but she thinks that May be down to my Stress on the day, Also inregular Heart beat so she is gonna re-examin me in a weeks time.

    I look forward to checking back and seeing how your visit goes and will also update on my next visit to my GP.

    Thanks again
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    That is really good you will be getting some therapy. My youth was filled with social anxiety. I'd have panic attacks before going out, I'd end up in tears if I had to ask somebody for some ketchup at a resturant and would tell my friends I couldn't go out as even though we had been friends for a long time, I was convinced they were only asking me out so they could not show up and then make fun of me (so embarrassing to think back on :p) and so on... I went to therapy for that as well and it was very long and very slow... but now I Feel like how I think most people do. Nerves and anxiety still show up but most people will get that way in certian cirmstances. Getting to the bottom of why you feel so anxious is most important and from there you can learn to fix the physical symptoms. I hope things go well for you in this :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thank you Very Much

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    That's fantastic news rob :) I suffered from anxiety in my teens and now I'm pretty much past it I can say it's like black and white - but it does become part of your past and you can move past it!!

    Well done on taking the first steps and seeing your GP, keep us informed :thumb:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thank's Very Much i will do :):)

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