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Shall I laugh or shall I cry?...

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I don't know whether to laugh or cry :(

I have so much work to do it's ridiculous and 7 of my 8 major deadlines are in the next month and it all counts to the degree- for example a 8000 word report, an 1000 word report, oral report, and about four presentations (and presentations actually make me feel sick when I have to give them, I get so nervous). And this has all (with the exception of two) been given to us in the last week and a half.

And I am ill too and my head is exploding with a headache so I can't concentrate.

I don't know if I can actually be bothered to do some of the work :( it's just too much. And I have extra curriculum stuff to which I can't back out of because the people who would be affected also have lots of uni stuff going on too and it'd disappoint everyone.



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    hey purpledhaze,

    sorry to hear that you are stressed, is there any chances you could speak to your tutors about an extension??

    take care:wave:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi purpledhaze,

    Sounds like everything is getting on top of you. One thing I do when I'm inundated with work is to list it all out (much like you've done) with deadlines and how confident you feel about them (have you done the neccessary reading, do you need to do any reading, how long are the presentations etc...) so you know how to prioritise your time. Work out your frees and then write yourself a timetable of what you are going to try and do when. It can be very easy to panic at times like this but they wouldn't give it to you if they thought you couldn't cope (although they rarely consider these things!)

    What are your deadlines?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    right, well on Thursday I have a small presentation, given to us today.
    on next Monday I have a poster presentation of all my lab work, next Wednesday I have another presentation, and a final lab presentation to organise for some time next week or the week after.
    Then, on the 8th March I have my 8000 word lab report to hand in, and I am stuck with that (and we can't get much help, they can check three pages, that is all). On the 12th March I have the 1000 words to give in.
    And on the 8th after handing in one piece we get given another assignment but we have two months for that.
    Oh and another lecturer will give us more coursework some stage (before easter I think).

    And this is why I am stressed :crying:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    this might help?

    For me when i have a lot of work i write out a timetable and try and stick to it. Or if i have a huge essay to write i will write bits each day and break things down so it doesn't seem *as* much.
    Maybe if you can feel yourself getting stressed you should take a 10 minute break from work and allow your self to calm down and then go back to it.
    I think looking at all the work as a massive chunk can make people even more stressed, but breaking it down and doing a little bit of everything each day can help a lot. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have a timetable of deadlines so I can keep track but yeah it just seems like a lot. Too much. I can't find the motivation either. I was meant to have done lots tonight. I even set a small 300 words target for tonight. But I haven't even done that :(
    I'm staying up til I get it done though. And yeah I tend to go get a cup of tea when I get stressed, but thanks for that advice NAUN.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    right, well on Thursday I have a small presentation, given to us today.
    on next Monday I have a poster presentation of all my lab work, next Wednesday I have another presentation, and a final lab presentation to organise for some time next week or the week after.
    Then, on the 8th March I have my 8000 word lab report to hand in, and I am stuck with that (and we can't get much help, they can check three pages, that is all). On the 12th March I have the 1000 words to give in.
    And on the 8th after handing in one piece we get given another assignment but we have two months for that.
    Oh and another lecturer will give us more coursework some stage (before easter I think).

    And this is why I am stressed :crying:

    Ok - it's a long list but your 8000 words is due in 3 weeks. Yes they can't check it all but you need to figure out what you're writing, do whatever reading and research you need to do and then you'll know what 3 pages are most significant for them to look at. Although I don't know the nature of your work - I have 6000 due Friday and I know that I have divvied up the time til then to do it and you can too. You obviously need to prioritise those 3 presentations. At least they will be done over pretty much one week giving you a full 2 weeks on your 8000 word essay and a further week for your 1000 words. It is do-able although I'm sure you're worrying and it seems like a hell of a lot - I totally understand. You can always seek advice from those on your course and tutors despite them being able to see limited work. Timetable - take out 10 minutes and do it tonight/tomorrow morning. When you see those gaps in your time you will feel better!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    oh I hope you are right :) thanks so much. I didn't realise I had a free week or so before the 8th, that helps a bit :) Means if the worst happens I can work at it solidly then. There is nothing like a deadline two days away for making you do work ha ha.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have a timetable of deadlines so I can keep track but yeah it just seems like a lot. Too much. I can't find the motivation either. I was meant to have done lots tonight. I even set a small 300 words target for tonight. But I haven't even done that :(
    I'm staying up til I get it done though. And yeah I tend to go get a cup of tea when I get stressed, but thanks for that advice NAUN.

    Write 300 words of vaguely related crap. You will feel better writing down something which shows you know vaguely what you're talking about then avoiding those 300 words. That's like, a long paragraph - maybe write you're introduction. It can change as you develop your work but it will also give you a clear objective for the rest of the piece. When you feel under pressure it tends to have a corking effect - like there is loads of stuff trying to get through a small gap (i.e. your focus) and you need to look at it one at a time.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    oh I hope you are right :) thanks so much. I didn't realise I had a free week or so before the 8th, that helps a bit :) Means if the worst happens I can work at it solidly then. There is nothing like a deadline two days away for making you do work ha ha.

    If you have googlemail - use the calender. You'll be able to visualise your time. As you say - by phrasing it like I have you realise it's not actually as soon as you think it is :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Write 300 words of vaguely related crap. You will feel better writing down something which shows you know vaguely what you're talking about then avoiding those 300 words. That's like, a long paragraph - maybe write you're introduction. It can change as you develop your work but it will also give you a clear objective for the rest of the piece. When you feel under pressure it tends to have a corking effect - like there is loads of stuff trying to get through a small gap (i.e. your focus) and you need to look at it one at a time.

    I am going to try. Not going to bed until I have done at least 300 words :)
    I love your advice! Thank you so much
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