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Freaking out

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I'm probably going to sound crazy but I don't care. My little brother has just been sick a few times like everywhere! We are certain he has the sickness bug that's going around. The problem is I have a huge fear of being sick, seriously I can not get sick I'm freaking out here. I have already used that bacteria killing hand gel three times, and I totally wiped over my iPod (I don't even know why I did that). I wan to go to bed but I'm scared I'll feel sick, I don't even know why I'm freaking out so much I just can't be sick!

What can I do? I mean I know if I get it, then I get it. I can't really stop that.

I don't even know how to calm down and the more ithink about it the more I feel sick. :( :shocking:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm probably going to sound crazy but I don't care. My little brother has just been sick a few times like everywhere! We are certain he has the sickness bug that's going around. The problem is I have a huge fear of being sick, seriously I can not get sick I'm freaking out here. I have already used that bacteria killing hand gel three times, and I totally wiped over my iPod (I don't even know why I did that). I wan to go to bed but I'm scared I'll feel sick, I don't even know why I'm freaking out so much I just can't be sick!

    What can I do? I mean I know if I get it, then I get it. I can't really stop that.

    I don't even know how to calm down and the more ithink about it the more I feel sick. :( :shocking:

    :( that would be my worse nightmare, i have a massive phobia too *hugs*

    bear in mind it could just be something dodgy he ate. i know the newspapers are really hyping up the sickness bug which is so scary to emetaphobics like us. does your family know about your phobia? im just thinking, in that situation and i know it sounds like an over-reaction but if you are able to and it helps then maybe you could go stay with some family friends or just a mate for a bit until your little brother is over it?

    but for now, please try not to fret. maybe have an early night and try take your mind off it. give yourself some space and use your room as a sanctuary. if you explain to your family or they already know im sure they'll understand. maybe watch a dvd in your room tonight? i'd head out tomorrow, maybe to an understanding friend's and perhaps just chill at theirs for the weekend?

    really sympathise though. lots of hugs.

    p.s. also in a way your little brother picked a good time to be ill. it's friday night so you heading out for the weekend shouldnt be too problematic or out of the ordinary hopefully x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No they don't know, i usually just hide in my room and don't Go near that person. But I've been with my brother all day today so I'm going a little crazy. I feel like I should change the sheets on my bed or something i just feel really dirty like I'm being smothered with germs.

    I'm going to try and get out tomorrow, and stay in my room when I can. I've got a really bad cold Atm so I'm like noooo! Because being sick and the cold would be horrific.

    Thank you :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No they don't know, i usually just hide in my room and don't Go near that person. But I've been with my brother all day today so I'm going a little crazy. I feel like I should change the sheets on my bed or something i just feel really dirty like I'm being smothered with germs.

    I'm going to try and get out tomorrow, and stay in my room when I can. I've got a really bad cold Atm so I'm like noooo! Because being sick and the cold would be horrific.

    Thank you :)

    it's okay :) was in the same ish situation as you a few weeks ago. was playing with my boyfriend's nephew during the day and then he..well you know. i panicked a lot but i was absolutely fine. his parents figured it was a sickness bug because it was going around at his school. despite both his mum and dad being close to him and doing all the parental things, they didnt catch it. :) hopefully it's just a kid to kid contamination thing :P

    i hope you take your mind off it tonight, i know it's really scary. but im sure you'll be fine. just chill in your room

    edited to add- have you thought about having cbt for your phobia? i have it once a week and have just started it really- so still early days. i dont think it will completely cure my phobia but i'd like to not freak out so much.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm also emetophobic, I used to freak out really bad whenever my brother or someone at school threw up and get as far away as possible so I wouldn't catch the 'germs'. I have got better as I've gotten older, I know it sounds weird but something that really helped me with other people throwing up was about 4 years ago when I was away with my bf at the time who came down with appendicitis in the middle of the night, spent all night throwing up til the early hours when I eventually called an ambulance and then was stuck in the hospital with him on the ward for most of the day until his mum could come and pick me up. I still felt uncomfortable but he was really ill and I was more worried about him than myself (we didn't find out it was appendicitis until the next day as they originally put it down to food poisioning and then thought it was meningitis). I was also in a ward with other ill people and I really hate being in hospitals too. But I found out afterwards that it really helped me because I had no choice, I was the only one to help him so I just sort of went on auto-pilot. And since then I haven't been as bad...still not great but deffinately alot better. So there is hope...but you can't make something like that happen and everyones different, just thought I'd share my story. However, I'm still no good when it comes to actually being sick myself lol.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah I'm sure It will be ok, i just need to keep tellin myself that. And the poor boy catches every bug going lol i think it's just freaking me out because there was no warning like he didn't even feel sick. I think I'll listen to some music and try and get to sleep. And then I'll ge up early tomorrow and get some fresh air, and hopefully it's just a once off or a 24hour thing.

    Thank you, I don't feel so silly now. No one seems to get this kind of thing. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    yeah please dont feel silly :) it's really common. expect a similar post from me at some point in a moment of frantic worry :p

    ballerina i know what you mean. it must have been rough though. not as bad as that but my boyfriend felt ill ages ago at mine and i got a bit worried thinking it was swine flu but my phobia seemed to switch off for the time he was ill. it was only after i thought that it was odd i wasn't refusing to go near him.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah, just do some calming breathing exercises like taking 10 deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth and just keep away until morning. If he didn't feel sick then that's a good sign really because if it was a bug or something then he'd probably feel sick before hand so it was probably just some dodgy food :)

    ETA: yeah it was rough, I got about 2 hours sleep that night and had no food for about 24 hours, mostly because I never got the chance and then because I couldn't bring myself to eat much as I was so worked up. I lost about 5lbs over 2 days, he was fine in the end but it was pretty scary because if I hadn't called the ambulance (he was refusing to go to hospital, typical stubborn man) it could have burst and killed him.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i made a thread pretty much the same as this once, itsss here i got given some good advice about trying to avoid a sickness bug as i was really scared of being sick, i know how you feel. x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aah so much for staying away. I walked by his room and he woke up and was trying to be sick, but he's been Ill that many times there's nothing left to bring up and it sounded really painful. So I went in and gave him water and made sure he was alright. And rinsed out the sicky bowl which was disgusting since no one else seemed to be getting up for him and he is only 9 so I couldn't leave him. For some reason it's calmed me down a bit, I don't really understand why though. Although If I do get this bug I propbqbly will cry :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I TOTALLY know how you feel - I used to be really badly phobic, although am much better now.

    Things that practically help are washing your hands/using that anti-bac gel, and getting plenty of fresh air circulating.

    Probably worth pointing out that kids are a lot more prone to sicky bugs and suchlike, cause their immune systems are less mature, so even if he got one, doesn't mean you will. Also that I've had a pukey bug 3 times in the last few years, and wasn't actually sick once any of those times. Just felt really queasy and had, well, downstairs action, so even if you do catch something, it's not game over :)

    And I know it probably makes you feel embarrassed, but I'd consider telling people about your fear. I didn't for years and years, cause I thought I was alone and insane, but as soon as I did, I found it so much easier. People do understand, and I found out so many other people had the same fear (including my dad!) and totally understood the way I was acting and the reasons I did things!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aah so much for staying away. I walked by his room and he woke up and was trying to be sick, but he's been Ill that many times there's nothing left to bring up and it sounded really painful. So I went in and gave him water and made sure he was alright. And rinsed out the sicky bowl which was disgusting since no one else seemed to be getting up for him and he is only 9 so I couldn't leave him. For some reason it's calmed me down a bit, I don't really understand why though. Although If I do get this bug I propbqbly will cry :(

    that must have been hard for you, but well done! i dont think i'd be able to do that. i agree with kaff, it sounds mean but little kids pick up these bugs all the time. it wont mean that you will necessarily get it. i hope you have a nice day today
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think i'm more scared now because i haven't had the sicky bug since first year, so thats like 5 years! so i haven't been sick in 5 years (apart from that one drunk indecent but we don't need to go into that ;) ) And i can't avoid it forever :nervous:

    SO! i am in my room, making it nice and tidy and i'm going to stay in here, and see how it goes. I have the window open to let some air in and the bottle of anti bacteria gel is in my pocket. Is the sicky bug air born or do you pick it up from things you touch?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    that must have been hard for you, but well done! i dont think i'd be able to do that. i agree with kaff, it sounds mean but little kids pick up these bugs all the time. it wont mean that you will necessarily get it. i hope you have a nice day today

    yeah it was horrible i had to keep walking away and i kept my distance a little but he understands that i don't want to get it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Is the sicky bug air born or do you pick it up from things you touch?

    Generally you pick them up from touching things, so if you just wash your hands often you really cut your chances of picking anything up. Don't bite your nails either! The germies can live under them :)

    Don't be tempted to not eat or drink, though, like I always did, thinking if there was nothing there there'd be nothing to bring up, cause being dehydrated or undernourished weakens your immune system and makes you more open to bugs :yes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I keep washing my hards, and i have cut my nails and the anti bacteria gel is by my bed. I actually sound crazy here.

    I was thinking about just not eating, but then i thought that wouldn't help so i am eating but avoiding dairy products because from experience they are the worst things to bring up along with beans.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I keep washing my hards, and i have cut my nails and the anti bacteria gel is by my bed. I actually sound crazy here.

    I was thinking about just not eating, but then i thought that wouldn't help so i am eating but avoiding dairy products because from experience they are the worst things to bring up along with beans.

    that's cool, just do whatever makes you feel safest and calmest. i haven't been sick for...16 years now. im not sure if that's completely normal though. for me it's fear of the unknown. i hated being sick when i was little so i can only equate it to my childhood fear and being really upset. if you get a chance to try out cbt i'd definitely give it a shot. but i completely understand about wanting to stay out the way of your kid brother and washing. i dont think it sounds crazy at all. you're doing really well. i hope your little brother feels better soon :) then the chaos will be over!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I *think* i have survived lol
    He hasn't been ill since Saturday, and i don't think i have ever washed my hands or used as much anti-bacteria gel on my hands as i have in the last few days. But i feel better when i have so i will probably just continue with it :)
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