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Another of B-A's bad days...

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Ohh god it was so shit :crying: There are loads of romours about me being pregnant and stuff going round at school. I am NNOOTT pregnant and I don't know why anyone thinks I am :grump: And then I had social skills, with Shaun (my ex) who was really nasty to me. He kept calling me a dick, and he hid loads of my stuff! Then I had a French test which went really badly :crying: I got a D and everyone else got As and Bs. So, everyone was saying I was thick because of that...
AND I got made to take off my wrist bands by a P.E. teacher (all the teachers at school KNOW I am allowed to wear them) so everyone saw the cuts on my arm.

Oh man my day just sucked, I'm really dreading school tomorrow. And honestly I don't think I'm going to go :crying: Sorry for the rant, I just needed it...


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    *hugs* Im sorry your day has been bad. Just keep your chin up and remember that things will always get better. Just show people how strong you really are.

    Hope everything turns out ok :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sorry you've had a bad day. Try to ignore and forget what other petty minded people say, and I would complain about being made to take your wrist bands off!

    Hope you have a better day tomorrow :)
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    luc_bluc_b Posts: 45 Boards Initiate
    Hi Broken-Angel

    It sounds like you had a nasty time the other day and a whole lot of stuff going on at one time. No need to apologise about ranting - that's why the boards are here...for you to get things off your chest :)

    I just wondered how the rest of your week has been? I hope it's got a bit better. At least it's Friday now - hope you have a great weekend :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Heyy guys :-)
    Thanks everyone... I had a meeting with one of the deputies at school yesterday, and we talked about everything. I'm starting a new time table soon, so I'll be away from most people I don't get on with.
    Also, I am getting a stress ball for lessons from my mentor to help me towards stoping self harm
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey sorry to hear your having such a bad time, always try to remember there are more good people about than nasty ones, and im sure your a good one so good things will happen to you sooner or later.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Heyy guys :-)
    Thanks everyone... I had a meeting with one of the deputies at school yesterday, and we talked about everything. I'm starting a new time table soon, so I'll be away from most people I don't get on with.
    Also, I am getting a stress ball for lessons from my mentor to help me towards stoping self harm


    it's really good your school are being supportive. just wanted to let you know i had the same rumour spread around about me at school. really just take it with a pinch of salt and remember how bored they must be to spread such a rumour. it might be worth just laughing it off. i distinctly remember sarcastically asking, 'do i look pregnant to you?'. either way it will eventually materialise that you are not up the duff and the person spreading the rumour will look very silly.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I got the same rumor been said about me being pregnant. i use to get up to go the bathroom and one boy would yell has you waters broke i use to laugh and come bak sayin yea the baby came i left him the toilet to wash some blood off. it made us all laugh and the boys eventually gave up cause it wouldnt rise me at all.
    so just joke along dont rise to the bait at alll and it will go away.
    Teenagers can be so cruel
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