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Self-harm and emergency care

**helen****helen** Deactivated Posts: 9,235 Supreme Poster
:wave: the following request has come our way and it sounds like a really worthwhile and potentially influential piece of research...

Hi my name is Karen Cleaver. I’m a nurse with a background in accident & emergency nursing care and I’m currently undertaking a research study which is exploring the experiences of young people who self-harm when they attend an emergency department. I’m undertaking this study as I hope to be able to identify how emergency care for young people who self harm can be improved.

I’m looking to get feedback from young people on these boards who have attended an emergency department following an episode of self-harm.

You don’t have to give me any details about you, or where you live. If you don’t want to post your feedback in this thread then feel free to private message Jim V, Jo7 or **Helen** in confidence and they will pass on the feedback to me.

My study is being undertaken at the University of Greenwich and when I write it up I may use quotes from young people to illustrate my findings, but they will not in any way identify the source of the quotes. Any information given via TheSite.org will remain confidential.

If you do take part and then decide you don’t want your comments included in my study you can let **Helen** know and I would then exclude your comments from my study.

Here’s what I’d like feedback on:

1.Care received care from paramedics or an ambulance crew prior to and during transfer to the hospital. For example – how did the staff behave towards you?

2. Care received in an emergency department and similarly how the staff here behaved towards you.

Many thanks for taking the time to read this and I look forward to reading any comments and hearing about your experiences.

Karen Cleaver


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have been to a+e for self harm for laxatives. I had two complete different experiences - the first time that i went to them - they were really good and really appreciative towards me that i had sort help. However, the second time. The doctor was extremely judgemental and asked my 'why are you wrecking your life?' He told me that i was a young and pretty girl and didnt need to lose weight and that i was going to make a mess of my life. When i went into A+E for an OD; the ambulance crew were very abrupt with me and just didnt understand why i had done it even though i sought help. I felt that they felt like i was wasting their time. However, when i went to into a+e they were fantastic and helped me feel comfortable and never asked me questions or probed me until a psyc came to see me....i find that there is a general lack of understanding by some healthcare professionals.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    First time I ever sought help from a professional person for my self harm was like a hammer to the banana. I went totally out of my own will (and pushing from a friend) to see if something could finally be done to help me stop the self harming as it was starting to ruin my life. When I got to the doctor, I explained that I had the anger problems which was causing me to cut myself. I showed them my shoulder which is where I now do the bulk of my cutting, and I got a reply of that they didn't want to know about it because it wasnt the wrist, and so wasnt important enough for their time.

    I recently went to a different person about my problem, and she seemed to come from a totally different world. She listened to what was happening when I got angry and stressed, and suggested some alternatives for me to do rather than self harming, and ways that I could keep from becoming angry.

    In all, it seems that the professionals who appear to be there to help those with problems like ours do not care, or just do not have the time to deal with those that they would treat as a "minor" case. They either do not have the experiance to deal with people such as myself, or do not want to deal with us, which creates a low area for those who are genuinely seeking help for the problems, as they do not put any trust into the system to help deal with them.

    However, those that do understand, perform to their best, and try to excel to make help availible to those who need it, regardless of the reasons or the situations.
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